William J. Cook,
Network Law Update: February 1995
Abstract: This paper details recent events in computer
crime: theft, copywrite infringement, loss of privacy,
pronorgaphy, and fraud. Cases and ongoing investigations are
cited throughout. Also cited are the legality of several types of
computer monitoring.
Files on Cryptography
Abstract: Cryptography issues and files from the
Simson Garfinkel,
Security Article Extracts Legalities
Abstract: This article attempts to broadly cover questions
of computer security in the small business or law firm. Because
of its objectives, this article is not a step-by-step guide on
how to make a law firm computer more secure: Instead, this
article hopes to acquaint the reader with the issues involved so
that the reader may then be able to analyze systems on a
case-by-case basis and recognize when outside assistance is
H. Spafford,
Are Computer Hacker Break-ins Ethical?
Abstract: This article lists and refutes many of the
reasons given to justify computer intrusions. It is the authors'
contention that break-ins are ethical only in extreme situations,
such as a life-critical emergency. The article also discusses why
no break-in is "harmless".
Geoffrey S. Stewart, David Sylvester,
Potential Liabilities Of Computer Software
Keywords: liability, software, bugs
Abstract: explination of laws governing liability of
software design.
Dorothy E. Denning,
Tap or Not to Tap
Keywords: law, wiretapping
Abstract: This article presents the case for the proposed
Digital Telephony legislation and responds to the above concerns.
Although the Digital Telephony proposal does not address
encryption, the possibility of regulating cryptography will be
discussed following the section on the proposed
United States Court of
UNITED STATES of America, Appellee, v. Robert Tappan MORRIS,
Abstract: This article is the Court document of Morris's
Internet worm case. Including all the details in this case.
Dave Grisham,
University Policies on Computer Use
Abstract: This directory contains ethics policies. There
are now copyright policies, and some data access policies. The
sub-directory Data.Access contains these few policies.
Department of Justice,
on Argentinian hacker named "Ardita"
Keywords: hacker, justice, law enforcement,
Abstract: Information about the affidavit for the arrest
of the Argentinian hacker named "Ardita" (English = "scream").
Includes press release from Dept. of Justice and Affidavit for
his arrest.
G. Epstein,
The Case of the Killer Robot
Abstract: The case of the killer robot consists of eight
newspaper articles, one journal article, two (high class) radio
talk show transcripts and one Sunday newspaper magazine
interview. This scenario is intended to raise issues in computer
ethics and in software engineering.
Gary S. Morris, Computer
Security and the Law
Abstract: This article is meant to help bridge the gap
between the technical and legal computer security communities by
explaining key technical ideas behind computer security for
lawyers and presenting some basic legal background for technical
Christopher Seline,
Eavesdropping On the Electromagnetic Emanations of Digital
Equipment: The Laws of Canada, England and the United
Abstract: This document is a rough draft. The Legal
Sections are overviews. They will be significantly expanded in
the next version.
U.S Government, Crimes
And Criminal Procedure
Abstract: This document defines the term of "computer
crime" and gives the details on each cases.
John C. Smith,
Abstract: The Santa Clara County District Attorney's
Office Hi Tech / Computer Crime Team has had years of experience
investigating and prosecuting trade secret thefts, network
intrusions, chip thefts, and other types of high technology
thefts in Silicon Valley. The Unit is composed of two Deputy
District Attorneys and one Investigator. Network intrusions.
Theft of proprietary material How to conduct your investigation
and gather evidence. How to gather and safeguard the evidence
necessary for prosecution. How to get the appropriate law
enforcement support. How to work with law enforcement so they
understand the problem. What is required for a search warrant.
How a Search Warrant Raid is conducted (You may be asked to go.).
What is required for a telephone trap. What is required for an
arrest. What to expect from the court process. How to prepare to
testify in court if necessary. How to recover damages civilly or
from probation. Impact of the Electronic Communications Privacy
Bureau of
Politico-Military Affairs, Full
Text of the Amendments to the International Traffic in Arms
Regulations Part II 58 FR 39280
Abstract: SUMMARY: This rule amends the regulations
implementing section 38 of the Arms Export Control Act, which
governs the import and export of defense articles and services.
The rule clarifies existing regulations and reduces the
regulatory burden on exporters of defense articles and services.
Although this is a final rule public comment is welcome and will
be taken into account to the extent possible.
Stephen E. Hansen,
Legal Issues, A Site Manager's Nightmare
Abstract: This article focuses on the Federal Electronic
Communications Privacy Act of 1986, analyzes the Act based on
author's own experiences.
Lee E. Barrett,
Patentability of Programs
Abstract: This document represents a legal analysis done
by Associate Solicitor Lee E. Barrett, an attorney in the Office
of the Solicitor of the Patent and Trademark Office, on the
subject of the patentability of mathematical algorithms and
computer programs. The analysis is published for the benefit of
the public.
Unknown, Patents
Abstract: This directory contains the public hearings
announcements from the Federal Register and the following papers
concerning patents: barrett.paper - Lee Barrett's paper on the
patentability of mathematical algorithms. The directories mpep
and tmep contain the most up to date versions of the Manual of
Patent Examining Procedures and Trademark Manual of Examining
Procedures available. Certain sections of the MPEP have still not
been updated; see the README in the mpep directory for further
details. The directories software_hearings and exp_use_hearings
contain the full text transcripts of the hearings, as well as the
speaker's prepared remarks,i in several different formats. This
information is also available for browsing and WAIS search in the
World Wide Web at the URL http://www.uspto.gov/ The comments
directory holds the collected email comments from the software
patent protection hearings.
Christopher Seline,
Eavesdropping On the Electromagnetic Emanations of Digital
Equipment: The Laws of Canada, England and the United
Abstract: This document explores the legal status of a
surveillance technology ruefully known as TEMPEST2. Using TEMPEST
technology the information in any digital device may be
intercepted and reconstructed into useful intelligence without
the operative ever having to come near his target. The technology
is especially useful in the interception of information stored in
digital computers or displayed on computer terminals.
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and Ivan