Student Clubs
Cybersecurity Focused Clubs at Purdue University
Training Products
Today’s learners need to feel supported and have control of their learning. They need to be inspired. In the world of information security, technology may change, but human beings—and the learning experience—remain the same. Our learning products range from traditional print materials to high-quality videos to self-paced multimedia with multiple paths and multiple representations to allow for multiple methods of learning.
FTP Archive
Established in 1994, the CERIAS FTP archive was the first information security repository of its kind. As it did then, the CERIAS FTP archive contains software, standards, tools, and other material related to information security.
BSD and Linux OS Mirrors
CERIAS mirrors several open-source operating systems as a service to the Purdue community and the security community at large. Currently we offer FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Ubuntu.
Cassandra Vulnerability Tracking System
This tool allows you to create saved profiles of the services and applications running on your networks, typical (standard configurations) hosts or important hosts. Cassandra can then notify you by email of new vulnerabilities relevant to your profiles.
NTP Time Server
CERIAS operates a number of NTP time servers. For details about these servers visit