Weekly Security Seminar
Wednesdays, 4:30p ET (Virtual)
Querying Twice: How to Ensure We Obtain the Correct File in a Private Information Retrieval Protocol
Stanislav Kruglik - NTU Singapore
About our Seminar Series
CERIAS -- the Nation's top-ranked interdisciplinary academic education and research institute -- hosts a weekly cyber security, privacy, resiliency or autonomy speaker, highlighting technical discovery, a case studies or exploring cyber operational approaches; they are not product demonstrations, service sales pitches, or company recruitment presentations. Join us weekly...or explore 20 years of archives for the who's-who in cybersecurity.
Many cybersecurity certification organizations recognized CERIAS Security Seminar sessions for continuing education credit. CPE forms available.
Interested in giving a technical talk at a future CERIAS Security Seminar? Contact us at seminars@cerias.purdue.edu
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12/04/2024 - Fairness as Equal Concession: Critical Remarks on Fair AI
Christopher Yeomans - Purdue University
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HomeRun: High-efficiency Oblivious Message Retrieval, Unrestricted
Yanxue Jia - Purdue University
The Road Towards Accurate, Scalable and Robust Graph-based Security Analytics: Where Are We Now?
Zhou Li - University of California, Irvine
Dissecting the Software Supply Chain of Modern Industrial Control Systems
Michail Maniatakos - NYU Abu Dhabi
Shamrock Cyber – When Luck Just Isn't Enough
Chance Younkin - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Exploiting Vulnerabilities in AI-Enabled UAV: Attacks and Defense Mechanisms
Ashok Vardhan Raja - Purdue University Northwest