George Vanecek - AT&T/GeoPlex
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
GeoPlex: Universal Service Platform for IP Network-based Services
Oct 17, 1997
Presently, the Internet is based primarly on the client/server architecture that requires complex proprietary end-points. It provides little end to end security, limited usage collection capability, redundant and proprietary infrastructures and does not scale profitably. Most services provide their own fundamental support such as security, authentication, registration, customer care, billing and content creation. What is missing is a common platform middle ware that provides these and other essential services and which enables their use in the applications. GeoPlex is a collection of open and standard components and services that create a secure, scaleable, robust, commercially-viable platform for IP-based applications and services. It integrates components that provide security and authentication, registration and account management, billing and customer care, management and provisioning. It bridges the Internet and telephone-base networks and supports a diverse set of peers from PCs to pagers. This talk addresses the issues of the next generation Internet, Telephony, and commerce global network and introduces GeoPlex as a proposed platform.About the Speaker
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