Weekly Security Seminar
Wednesdays, 4:30p ET (Virtual)

What do we mean when we talk about AI Safety and Security?
Amir Sadovnik - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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The Future of AI Depends on Guardrails
Tim Benedict - Compliq
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About our Seminar Series
CERIAS -- the Nation's top-ranked interdisciplinary academic education and research institute -- hosts a weekly cyber security, privacy, resiliency or autonomy speaker, highlighting technical discovery, a case studies or exploring cyber operational approaches; they are not product demonstrations, service sales pitches, or company recruitment presentations. Join us weekly...or explore 20 years of archives for the who's-who in cybersecurity.
Many cybersecurity certification organizations recognized CERIAS Security Seminar sessions for continuing education credit. CPE forms available.
Interested in giving a technical talk at a future CERIAS Security Seminar? Contact us at seminars@cerias.purdue.edu
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03/05/2025 - Decrypting the Impact of Professional Certifications in Cybersecurity Careers
Hisham Zahid & David Haddad
Ways to Watch

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Over 500 videos of our weekly seminar and symposia keynotes are available on our YouTube Channel. Also check out Spaf's YouTube Channel. Subscribe today!Recent

Zero Trust Architectures and Digital Trust Frameworks: A Complementary or Contradictory Relationship?
Ali Al-Haj - Princess Sumaya University for Technology

Measuring Data Protection: A Causal Artificial Intelligence Modeling Approach
Robert Morton - Google Cloud

Effects of Behavioral Decision-Making in Proactive Security Frameworks in Networked Systems
Mustafa Abdallah - Purdue University in Indianapolis

Querying Twice: How to Ensure We Obtain the Correct File in a Private Information Retrieval Protocol
Stanislav Kruglik - NTU Singapore

Fairness as Equal Concession: Critical Remarks on Fair AI
Christopher Yeomans - Purdue University