Dan DeLaurentis F Design of Systems of Systems, Situational Awareness
Carolin Frueh Situational Awareness (satellites, debris and near earth objects, ground surveillance), Object 3D formation from image/video (shape inversion), Satellite Guidance, Navigation and Control, Astrodynamics, Sensor Tasking, Low Observability Systems, Information Quantification and Retrieval.
Inseok Hwang controlling multiple-vehicle systems, analysis of multiple dynamical systems which have inherently decentralized structures, path planning (computing optimal
trajectories of vehicles from starting positions to destinations) and conflict detection and resolution
Mary Johnson Sustainability analysis in aviation, aviation emissions analysis, aviation fuels testing and analysis, general aviation data analysis, strategic justification of technologies, and enterprise performance and improvement.
John Mott Statistical process modeling and simulation,
Aviation applications of Bayesian inference,
Acquisition and analysis of distributed transportation data
Lorraine Kisselburgh F Communication and emerging technologies; privacy in social contexts; geolocational privacy; privacy and security policy; social networks; collaboration in networks; gender in STEM careers; digital identities
James Lerums Information Security, Cyber Forensics, Cyber Security Operations, Social Economic and Legal Aspects of Information Security, “Right-Sizing” Cyber Security Solutions and Implementations, Cyber Warfare, Cyber Risk, Cyber Exercises, Physical Security Exercises
Smriti Bhatt Cyber Security and Information Assurance, Security and Privacy in Cloud-Enabled Internet of Things (CE-IoT), Access Control and Communication Control Models and Architectures, Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (IoT) Security, Cyber Security Education, STEM Education
Robert Deadman Technology use in Academic Dishonesty detection and prevention, use of virtual networks and software defined networking
Tom Hacker High Performance Computer, Grid Computing, Operating Systems, and Distributed Systems
Nicole Hands application of basic cybersecurity principles of confidentiality, integrity and availability to cyber pedagogy (teaching best practices) as well as to academic honesty.
Umit Karabiyik Digital Forensics, Cybersecurity, User and Data Privacy, Artificial Intelligence, Computer and Network Security
Chad Laux Lean Sustainability, Operations Excellence, Industry 4.0
James Lerums Information Security, Cyber Forensics, Cyber Security Operations, Social Economic and Legal Aspects of Information Security, “Right-Sizing” Cyber Security Solutions and Implementations, Cyber Warfare, Cyber Risk, Cyber Exercises, Physical Security Exercises
Deepak Nadig Network Security
AI/ML applications to networking
Cloud-native Infrastructure
Romila Pradhan Responsible data science, Data management, Machine learning
Phillip Rawles network systems administration, enterprise network management, and network application architectures
Marcus K. Rogers F Psychological Profiling, Applied Cyber-forensics,
Kathryn Seigfried-Spellar Behavioral Analysis of Digital Evidence
Personality & Motivation of Cyberdeviants
Code of Ethics in Digital Forensics
John Springer Biomedical High Performance Computing, Biomedical Information Assurance and Security
Wenhai Sun data security and privacy, decentralized trust and infrastructure, cyber-physical system security, and applied cryptography
Julia (Taylor) Rayz F Natural Language Understanding, Knowledge Discovery and Representation, Computational Recognition of Salient Information in Texts, Uncertainty Management
Sudip Vhaduri leading interdisciplinary collaborative research teams consisting of researchers from a range of disciplines, including sociology, psychology, medical sciences, laryngology, otolaryngology, speech-language pathology, communication sciences and disorders, health sciences, behavioral sciences, statistics, mathematics, and electrical engineering
Jin Wei-Kocsis Cyber-physical system Cyber Security Artificial Intelligence Biologically inspired intelligent system design Smart Energy Systems. Cognitive Networking Design
Baijian "Justin" Yang Information Security, End system security, network security, security policies; mobile computing, distributed computing.
Daniel Aliaga computer graphics, computer vision, visualization
Walid Aref Database Technologies for Emerging Applications, Spatial/Multimedia/Genomics/Sensor-Based Databases, Data Mining, Scalable Media Servers, GIS.
Mike Atallah F Assurable Software and Architecture
Identification, Authentication, Privacy
Cryptology and Rights Management
Aniket Bera computer graphics, augmented intelligence, social robotics, autonomous agents, cognitive modeling
Bharat Bhargava F Assurable Software and Architecture
Enclave and Nework Security
Identification, Authentication, Privacy
Antonio Bianchi Computer Security
Mobile Security
Binary Analysis
Berkay Celik design and evaluation of security for software and systems, safety, security and privacy of IoT systems.
William Cleveland Statistics, Data Visualization, Machine Learning,
Massive Datasets, Computer Networking, Cybersecurity
Chris Clifton F Privacy Issues in Information Management, Data Mining, Data Security, Database Support for Text, and Heterogeneous Databases.
Benjamin J Delaware Program synthesis and verification, Mechanized reasoning, Verified systems software, Decision procedures, Advanced modularity
Sonia Fahmy network security, including network monitoring, detection of distributed denial of service attacks, and firewall testing
Pedro Fonseca operating systems, hypervisors and distributed systems
Christina Garman practical and applied cryptography, namely the design and analysis of real world cryptographic systems
David Gleich high performance and large scale computations with a focus on enabling previously infeasible analysis of data from biology, social networks, and scientific simulations
Aarushi Goel research interests are in cryptography and in related areas of security and theoretical computer science.
Dan Goldwasser natural language processing and machine learning, with a specific interest on natural language semantics
Ananth Grama parallel and distributed computing architectures, algorithms, and applications
Ninghui Li F Access Control, Trust Management, Security In Distributed Systems, Applied Cryptography
Hemanta Maji Cryptography and Algorithms; with special emphasis on Secure Computation and Information-theoretic Cryptography.
Lorenzo Martino Service-oriented architectures, software as a service
Kihong Park scalable QoS provisioning in IP internets, self-similar and multimedia traffic control, and network security and fault-tolerance. His research is supported by grants from both government and industry, including NSF, DARPA, and CERIAS
Chunyi Peng Chunyi Peng's research interests are in the broad areas of mobile networking, system and security, with a recent focus on 4G/5G mobile network architecture, protocols, and technologies for emerging/demanding applications, mobile network/system security, network data analytics, and mobile sensing and computing systems.
Sunil Prabhakar issues in large-scale, distributed applications such as multimedia databases, data warehouses, and digital libraries
Bruno Ribeiro Data Mining, Network Science, Computer Networks, Statistical Models & Inference
Tiark Rompf Applied and fundamental aspects of programming languages and compilers: language design, program analysis, program transformation, program generation and synthesis, type systems, semantics. PL technology in data
management, machine learning, and AI.
Gene Spafford F Executive Director Emeritus, CERIAS. Security policy, intrusion detection and response, security architecture, computer forensics, vulnerability analysis, counterintelligence/counterespionage
Wojciech Szpankowski analysis of algorithms, data compression, information theory, analytic combinatorics, random structures, networking, stability problems in distributed systems, modeling of computer systems and computer communication networks, queueing theory, and operations research
Lin Tan software engineering, software dependability, defect detection and repair, and software text analytics
Mohammadkazem Taram microarchitectural attacks, high-performance mitigations, and architecture support for security and privacy
Dave (Jing) Tian embedded systems, operating systems, and trusted computing
Samuel Wagstaff F cryptography, parallel computation, and analysis of algorithms, especially number theoretic algorithms.
Dongyan Xu F Virtualization and security, Cloud computing, Malware defense, Cyberinfrastructure, Distributed Systems
Xiaoqi Chen Cloud security, Communications security, Cryptology -- hardware, software, algorithms, Cyberphysical systems and IoT, Network Security, Operating Systems, Privacy, Security of AI/ML, Web Services
Jamie Davis safety and security of software-centric systems
Edward Delp F Digital forensics, steganography, image and video compression, multimedia security, medical imaging, multimedia systems, communication and information theory.
Vijay Gupta Communications, Networking, Signal and Image Processing, Power and Energy Systems, Automatic Controls
David Inouye Deep distribution alignment
Generative probabilistic models
Explainable AI
Invertible deep learning
Iterative/Local learning
Distribution shift
Younghyun Kim embedded computing systems, internet-of-ihings, system-on-chip and VLSI, low-power systems
James Krogmeier Signal processing for wireless communications, adaptive filtering and equalization, synchronization, modulation and coding for nonlinear channels, intelligent transportation systems
Milind Kulkarni My research interests lie in the areas of programming languages, compilers and systems. Specifically, I am interested in various language features, compiler techniques and run-time system support that will be necessary to unlock the potential of emerging, complex computation platforms such as multicore processors, heterogeneous architectures, sensor networks and distributed systems.
Xiaojun Lin power-grid reliability, renewable integration, demand response and distributed coordination, cyber-physical security for smart grid, communication networks, online algorithms
David Love Communications Theory, Communication Systems with Feedback, Coding Theory, Information Theory, Wireless Communications, Applications of Subspace Packings
Yung-Hsiang Lu Yung-Hsiang Lu is a professor at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Department of Computer Science. His research areas include computer vision, cloud computing, and big data. His research team is building a software infrastructure analyzing the vast amounts of video data from network cameras deployed worldwide. He is an ACM distinguished scientist and speaker. He is the scientific adviser and a co-founder of Perceive Inc, a technology startup for video analytics. He received PhD from Stanford University.
Aravind Machiry Program analysis, vulnerability detection, IoT, Trustzone, Binary Analysis, general System Security, machine learning
Suranjan Panigrahi Intelligent decison support systems using artificial intelligent techniques including machine learning
Innovative products/processes for social challenges in low resource settings via interdisciplinary team approach
Smart sensors/sensing systems for automation, quality control, detection and diagnosis applications
Philip Paré Mathematical modeling of dynamic networked systems, e.g. epidemiological, biological, economic systems, infrastructure networks, social networks, etc.; stability analysis, control, and identifiability of such systems; model reduction of dynamic systems and clustering; biological applications of control theory
Xiaokang Qiu programming systems, including program logics, decision procedures, automated deduction, program verification, and program synthesis
Vijay Raghunathan wireless and ad hoc networks, sensor networks, intrusion detection, reliability
Sanjay Rao Peer-to-peer System Design, Cloud systems, Security issues in system migration
Shreyas Sen Sensing and Communication Circuits/Systems, Energy-harvested Sensor nodes for Internet of Things (IoT), Analog/RF, Wireless, Security, Human body-coupled Communication
Jeffrey Siskind Artificial Language, Cognitive Science, Machine Vision, Computational Linguistics, Computer Systems (including Visual Event Perception, Computational Models of Child Language Acquisition) and High Performance Compilation Strategies for LISP.
Lu Su I am broadly interested in the general areas of Internet of things, cyber-physical systems, wireless, mobile, and crowd sensing systems, big data and cloud computing, data mining and machine learning, as well as security and privacy.
Shreyas Sundaram Analysis, design, and control of resilient and secure large-scale networked systems
Yiheng Feng developing innovative modeling techniques, control strategies, and evaluation methods with a focus on the interactions between smart transportation infrastructure and connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) for the next generation transportation system
Satish Ukkusuri Cyber-transportation modeling, interdependent resilience analysis, network science and network games
Guang Lin Big data analysis and statistical machine learning
Predictive modeling and uncertainty quantification
Scientific computing and computational fluid dynamics
Stochastic multiscale modeling
Tzuong-Tsieng Moh Public Key Cryptography, Jacobian Conjecture, and Resolution of Singularities
Guang Lin Big data analysis and statistical machine learning
Predictive modeling and uncertainty quantification
Scientific computing and computational fluid dynamics
Stochastic multiscale modeling
Jitesh Panchal Decision making in engineering design; Secure Co-Design; Mechanism design for systems engineering; Complex networks; Open innovation; Crowdsourcing.
Hany Abdel-Khalik Validation and Uncertainty Quantification;
Big Data Analytics and Data Assimilation;
Cyberattack-resilient Control Systems;
LWR Computational Reactor Physics;
William Cleveland Statistics, Data Visualization, Machine Learning,
Massive Datasets, Computer Networking, Cybersecurity
Guang Lin Big data analysis and statistical machine learning
Predictive modeling and uncertainty quantification
Scientific computing and computational fluid dynamics
Stochastic multiscale modeling
Mark Daniel Ward Analysis and Design of Algorithms and Data Structures, Analytic Combinatorics, Applied Probability, Asymptotics, Data Compression, Game Theory, Information Theory, Pattern Matching, Probability Theory, Probability and Analysis, Random Structures, Random Walk, Symbolic Computation, Tree Structures
Bowei Xi Computer Science and Statistics (Data Mining, Machine Learning, Computer Networks, Massive/High Dimensional Data, Computational Methods for Statistics