Searching the Archive
The COAST Security Archive contains several thousand tools and
documents in all aspects of security. Searching and finding
information in the archive isn't always easy. To make the job
easier, COAST provides several searching mechanisms in a variety
of flavors. Unfortunately, not all of the are equivalent. You
might want to try two or three of these.
If you are just browsing and want to get a quick look at what
we have to offer, jump to the category index.
The Security Archive is built upon a tree structure that aims
at reducing the searching time one must spend to get to an
object. A short explanation of the theory behind the classification
system is available.
Searching the Subject Index
The archive keeps a subset of the documents and tools
indexed on a database that can be accessed through a variety of
methods. It is important that we mention here that not all the
documents and tools in the archive are indexed. However, at more
than one thousand titles, it is a good starting point.
The index is implemented on a client/server architecture that
allows network access to the index database using the TCP/IP
protocol, and a variety of clients are available for accessing
the server. At this point these clients can be obtained by
sending e-mail to
The index database is periodically converted to WWW pages that
can be searched by pointing and clicking. Two principal starting
points are available. The Subject Index classifies tools
and documents by a subject hierarchy developed from a computer
security classification
developed at COAST. The Author
Index classifies tools by their authors. Please note that
the author index is activated only for some authors.
Searching the Entire Archive
By far, the most powerful searching mechanism is browsing by navigating the ftp archive.
Unfortunately, it is also the most time consuming. A better
method is browsing the archive using the COAST Security Archive
Gopher Server. This
server provides access to a keyword searching engine. These
automatically gather information that can be searched by keyword.
The limitation with this searching method is that a great deal of
the material of the ftp archive is in formats that these tools
cannot understand (i.e. DOS .zip file, Macintosh .hqx files, UNIX
.tar files, etc.).

Built by
Crosbie and Ivan
Security Archive
COAST Project Page.
Purdue CS Dept page.
Last Modified: 17 March, 1995. (COAST Security