U. S. Department Of
U. S. Department Of Commerce Abbreviated Certification
Methodology For Sensitive Information Technology
Abstract: The purpose of this document is to provide
guidance on appropriate procedures to follow in performing the
technical certification evaluations of all sensitive and
classified national security systems within the Department.
A. Curry,
Improving The Security Of Your Unix System
Abstract: Many useful guidelines for improving the
security of your unix system. UNIX system security can be divided
into three main areas of concern. Two of these areas, account
security and network security, are primarily concerned with
keeping unauthorized users from gaining access to the system. The
third area, file system security, is concerned with preventing
unauthorized access, either by legitimate users or crackers, to
the data stored in the system. This paper describes the UNIX
security tools provided to make each of these areas as secure as
Farmer, Wietse
Improving the Security of Your Site by Breaking Into
Abstract: In this paper we will take an unusual approach
to system security. Instead of merely saying that something is a
problem, we will look through the eyes of a potential intruder,
and show "why" it is one. We will illustrate that even seemingly
harmless network services can become valuable tools in the search
for weak points of a system, even when these services are
operating exactly as they are intended to. In an effort to shed
some light on how more advanced intrusions occur, this paper
outlines various mechanisms that crackers have actually used to
obtain access to systems and, in addition, some techniques we
either suspect intruders of using, or that we have used ourselves
in tests or in friendly/authorized environments.
National Computer
Security Center,
A Guideline On Office Automation Security
Abstract: Office Automation Systems (OA systems) are
small, microprocessor-based Automated Information Systems that
are used for such functions as typing, filing, calculating,
sending and receiving electronic mail, and other data processing
tasks. They are becoming commonly used by managers, technical
employees, and clerical employees to increase efficiency and
productivity. Examples of OA systems include personal computers,
word processors, and file servers. This guideline provides
security guidance to users of OA systems, to the ADP System
Security Officers responsible for their operational security, and
to others who are responsible for the security of an OA system or
its magnetic storage media at some point during its life-cycle.
This guideline explains how OA system security issues differ from
those associated with mainframe computers. It discusses some of
the threats and vulnerabilities of OA systems, and some of the
security controls that can be used. It also discusses some of the
environmental considerations necessary for the safe, secure
operation of an OA system. This guideline suggests some security
responsibilities of OA system users, and of ADP System Security
Officers. Also described are some of the security
responsibilities of the organization that owns or leases the OA
system. In addition, guidance is given to the procurement officer
who must purchase OA systems or components, and guidance is also
provided to the officer who is responsible for securely disposing
of OA systems, components, or the associated magnetic media. This
document is issued as a National Telecommunications and
Information Systems Security Advisory Memorandum, and is
therefore intended as guidance only. Nothing in this guideline
should be construed as encouraging or permitting the
circumvention of existing Federal Government or organizational
National Institute of
Standards and Technology,
An Introduction to Computer Security: The NIST Handbook
Abstract: The purpose of this Handbook is to assist
managers in securing computer-based resources (including
hardware, software, and information) by explaining important
concepts, cost considerations, and interrelationships of security
controls. Such knowledge is vital for managers to make informed
decisions in selecting cost-effective, appropriate controls to
protect systems in their unique operating and threat
environments. The Handbook provides a broad overview of the field
of computer security. It assists the readers understanding of
their computer security needs and to develop a sound approach to
the selection of appropriate security controls. The document does
not, however, describe detailed steps necessary to implement a
computer security program, provide detailed implementation
procedures for security controls, or give guidance for auditing
the security of specific systems. References of how-to-too books
and articles that give further information are also
John P. Wack,
Establishing a Computer Security Incident Response Capability
Abstract: Government agencies and other organizations have
begun to augment their computer security efforts because of
increased threats to computer security. Incidents involving these
threats, including computer viruses, malicious user activity, and
vulnerabilities associated with high tech nology, require a
skilled and rapid response before they can cause significant
damage. These increased computer security efforts, described here
as Computer Security Incident Response Capabilities (CSIRCs),
have as a primary focus the goal of reacting quickly and
efficiently to com puter security incidents. CSIRC efforts
provide agencies with a centralized and cost-effective approach
to handling computer security incidents so that future problems
can be efficiently resolved and prevented.
US Department of
Abstract: As computers and telecommunications explode into
the next century, prosecutors and agents have begun to confront
new kinds of problems. These Guidelines illustrate some of the
ways in which searching a computer is different from searching a
desk, a file cabinet, or an automobile. For example, when
prosecutors must interpret Rule 41 (which requires that the
government obtain a search warrant in the district where the
property to be searched is "located"), applying it to searches of
physical items is usually uncomplicated. But when they must try
to "locate" electronic data, the discussion can quickly become
more metaphysical than physical. Even so, it is important to
remember throughout the process that as dazzling and confounding
as these new-age searches and seizures may be, they are in many
essential ways just like all other searches. The cause must be
just as probable; the description of items, just as particular.
The standard investigative techniques that work in other cases
(like finding witnesses and informants) are just as valuable in
computer cases. The evidence that seals a case may not be on the
hardware or software, but in an old-fashioned form: phone bills,
notes in the margins of manuals, or letters in a drawer. The
sections that follow are an integration of many legal sources,
practical experiences, and philosophical points of view. We have
often had to extrapolate from existing law or policies to try to
strike old balances in new areas. We have done our best to
anticipate the questions ahead from the data available today.
Even so, we recognize that rapid advances in computer and
telecommunications technologies may require that we revisit these
Guidelines, perhaps in the near future. In the meantime, as law
struggles to catch up to technology, it is important to remember
that computer cases are just like all others in one respect at
least: under all the "facts and circumstances," there is no
substitute for reasonable judgment.
National Computer
Security Center,
Guidelines for Formal Verification Systems
Abstract: This document explains the requirements for
formal verification systems that are candidates for the NCSC's
Endorsed Tools List (ETL). [5] This document is primarily
intended for developers of verification systems to use in the
development of production-quality formal verification systems. It
explains the requirements and the process used to evaluate formal
verification systems submitted to the NCSC for endorsement.
National Institute of
Standards and Technology,
Computer User's Guide to the Protection of Information
Abstract: Today's computer technology, with microcomputers
and on-line access, has placed the power of the computer where it
belongs, in YOUR hands. YOU, the users, develop computer
applications and perform other data processing functions which
previously were only done by the computer operations personnel.
These advances have greatly improved our efficiency and
effectiveness but, also present a serious challenge in achieving
adequate data security.
Unknown, Primer
Abstract: This directory contains the general information
of "Coping with the Threat of Computer Security Incidents: A
Primer from Prevention through Recovery".
Russell L. Brand, Coping
with the Threat of Computer Security Incidents. A Primer from
Prevention through Recovery
Abstract: As computer security becomes a more important
issue in modern society, it begins to warrant a systematic
approach. The vast majority of the computer security problems and
the costs associated with them can be prevented with simple
inexpensive measures. The most important and cost effective of
these measures are available in the prevention and planning
phases. These methods are presented followed by a simplified
guide to incident handling and recovery.
Rainbow Series
Abstract: This directory contains some documents of the
Rainbow series.
Richard D. Pethia, Stephen D. Crocker, Barbara Y. Fraser, RFC
1281: Guidelines for the Secure Operation of the
Abstract: The purpose of this document is to provide a set
of guidelines to aid in the secure operation of the Internet.
During its history, the Internet has grown significantly and is
now quite diverse. Its participants include government
institutions and agencies, academic and research institutions,
commercial network and electronic mail carriers, non-profit
research centers and an increasing array of industrial
organizations who are primarily users of the technology. Despite
this dramatic growth, the system is still operated on a purely
collaborative basis. Each participating network takes
responsibility for its own operation. Service providers, private
network operators, users and vendors all cooperate to keep the
system functioning. It is important to recognize that the
voluntary nature of the Internet system is both its strength and,
perhaps, its most fragile aspect. Rules of operation, like the
rules of etiquette, are voluntary and, largely, unenforceable,
except where they happen to coincide with national laws,
violation of which can lead to prosecution. A common set of rules
for the successful and increasingly secure operation of the
Internet can, at best, be voluntary, since the laws of various
countries are not uniform regarding data networking. Indeed, the
guidelines outlined below also can be only voluntary. However,
since joining the Internet is optional, it is also fair to argue
that any Internet rules of behavior are part of the bargain for
joining and that failure to observe them, apart from any legal
infrastructure available, are grounds for sanctions.
R. Pethia, S. Crocker, Barbara Y. Fraser,
Guidlines for the Secure Operation of the Internet
Abstract: This memo provides a set of guidelines to aid
the secure operation of the internet community, it does not
specify an internet standard. It address teh entire internet
community, consisting of users, hosts local, regional, domestic
and international backbone networks, and vendors who supply
operating systems, routers, network management tools,
workstations and other network components
Security References Bib
Abstract: This document contains a list of computer
security books' information. It includes author, title, year,
institution, etc.
Enhancing Security of Unix Systems
Abstract: This paper examines the common threats to data
security in open systems highlighting some of the more recent
threats, and looks at some of the tools and techniques that are
currently available to enhance the security of a Unix system.
Since many programs are written without security issues in mind,
the topic of secure programming methodologies is also discussed,
with some examples of coding techniques that avoid security
The Australian Computer
Emergency Response Team,
UNIX Computer Security Checklist (Version 1.0)
Abstract: The Australian Computer Emergency Response Team
has developed a checklist which covers common and known security
holes under the UNIX Operating System. It is based around
recently discovered security vulnerabilities and other checklists
which are readily available.
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and Ivan