Canadian Systems
Security Centre,
The Canadian Trusted Computer Product Evaluation
Abstract: This criteria have been developed to provide the
Government of Canada with metric wth which to evaluate the degree
of assurance that can be placed in computer products used for the
processing of sensitive information. It is a guide to
manufacturers as to what security services to build into their
commercial products in order to produce widely available products
that satisfy requirements for sensitive applications; and a guide
which may be used in procurements of trusted products.
Department of Defense,
Department Of Defense Trusted Compvtel System Evaluation
Abstract: This publication, DoD 5200.28-STD, "Department
of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria," is
issued under the authority of an in accordance with DoD Directive
5200.28, "Security Requirements for Automatic Data Processing
(ADP) Systems," and in furtherance of responsibilities assigned
by DoD Directive 52l5.l, "Computer Security Evaluation Center."
Its purpose is to provide technical hardware/firmware/software
security criteria and associated technical evaluation
methodologies in support of the overall ADP system security
policy, evaluation and approval/accreditation responsibilities
promulgated by DoD Directive 5200.28.
Department of Defense,
Department Of Defense Password Management Guideline
Abstract: This publication, "Department of Defense
Password management Guideline," is being issued by the DoD
Computer Security Center (DoDCSC) under the authority of and in
accordance with DoD Directive 5215.1, "Computer Security
Evaluation Center." The guidelines described in this document
provide a set of good practices elated to the use of
password-based user authentication mechanisms in automatic data
processing systems employed for processing classified and other
sensitive information. Point of contact concerning this
publication is the Office of Standards and Products, Attention:
Chief, Computer Security Standards.
Department of Trade and
Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria ( ITSEC
Abstract: Following extensive international review version
1.2 of the ITSEC is issued, with the approval of the (informal)
EC advisory group, SOG-IS (Senior Officials Group - Information
Systems Security), for operational use within evaluation and
certification schemes, for a provisional period of two years from
the date of issue. The practical experience acquired will be used
to review and further develop the ITSEC at the end of this
period. In addition, considerations arising from further
international harmonization will also be taken into
National Computer
Security Center,
A Guide to Understanding Audit in Trusted Systems
Abstract: This publication, is being issued by the
National Computer Security Center (NCSC) under the authority of
and in accordance with Department of Defense (DoD) Directive
5215.1. The guidelines described in this document provide a set
of good practices related to the use of auditing in automatic
data processing systems employed for processing classified and
other sensitive information.
National Computer
Security Center,
A Guide To Understanding Discretionary Access Control In Trusted
Abstract: The guidelines defined in this document are
intended to be used by computer hardware and software designers
who are building systems with the intent of meeting the
requirements of the Department of Defense Trusted Computer System
Evaluation Criteria, DoD 5200.28-STD.
European Commission,
Green book on the Security of Information Systems
Abstract: European Strategic policy on Security for
Information Systems. The "Green Book" represents an intermediate
step towards the formulation of the Action Plan foreseen in the
Council Decision. It is to state the main issues related to the
security of information systems in its context. A deliberate
effort has been made to present the subject matter in as
objective a fashion as possible. By progressively widening the
consultation in the preparation of the document the wish is, to
obtain a representative and balanced view of the issues and the
nature and implications of the options for action one may wish to
Foundations For The Harmonization of Information Technology
Security Standards
Abstract: This paper is the first work product of Joint
Task 1 (JT01) defined in the Joint Workplan for cooperation on
Security of Information System [1]. This paper also provides a
base for common understanding of critical terms and concepts. In
addition, this paper looks at the terms and concepts used in the
development of International Standards Organization(ISO)
standards for Open System Interconnection(OSI)
European Commission,
Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (A
WWW homepage exists for this item)
Keywords: recommendations, european, criteria,
Abstract: The Information Technology Security Evaluation
Criteria, more commonly known as the ITSEC, were formally
endorsed by the European Council on 28 March 1995 in the form of
a Recommendation. Originally published by the European Commission
in June 1991, and subsequently used throughout Europe and
elsewhere, these European Criteria provide a different approach
to that of the US Orange Book whilst still retaining the
essential requirement for an appropriate level of confidence to
be achieved in the security features of the product or system
under evaluation. The Recommendation also addresses the need for
broader international harmonization of Criteria as well as the
need for mutual recognition of the associated evaluation
Object Management
OMG Object Services RFP3
Abstract: The Object Management Group's central mission is
to establish an architecture and set of specifications, based on
commercially available object technology, to enable distributed
integrated applications . Primary goals are the reusability ,
portability and interoperability of object-based software
components in distributed heterogeneous environments.To this end,
the OMG adopts interface and protocol specifications that define
an Object Manage ment Architecture (OMA) that supports
applications based on distributed interoperating objects.
OMG Security Working
OMG White Paper on Security
Abstract: This White Paper describes the requirements for
security in Object Systems conforming to the Object Management
Architecture. It will be an appendix to Request for Product
Department of Defense,
Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation
Abstract: This publication, "Department of Defense Trusted
Computer System Evaluation Criteria," is being issued by the DoD
Computer Security Center under the authority of and in accordance
with DoD Directive 5215.1, "Computer Security Evaluation Center."
The criteria defined in this document constitute a uniform set of
basic requirements and evaluation classes for assessing the
effectiveness of security controls built into Automatic Data
Processing (ADP) systems. These criteria are intended for use in
the evaluation and selection of ADP systems being considered for
the processing and/or storage and retrieval of sensitive or
classified information by the Department of Defense. Point of
contact concerning this publication is the Office of Standards
and Products, Attention: Chief, Computer Security
Department of Defense,
of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation
Abstract: This publication, DoD 5200.28-STD, "Department
of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria," is
issued under the authority of an in accordance with DoD Directive
5200.28, "Security Requirements for Automatic Data Processing
(ADP) Systems," and in furtherance of responsibilities assigned
by DoD Directive 52l5.l, "Computer Security Evaluation Center."
Its purpose is to provide technical hardware/firmware/software
security criteria and associated technical evaluation
methodologies in support of the overall ADP system security
policy, evaluation and approval/accreditation responsibilities
promulgated by DoD Directive 5200.28.
D Ferbrache,
Posix Framework
Abstract: This directory contains working documents and
minutes of the IEEE Portable application standards committee
(PASC) security framework working group (POSIX 1003.22).
D Ferbrache,
Posix Security
Abstract: This directory contains documents and minutes of
the IEEE Portable application standards committee (PASC) security
working group (POSIX 1003.6).
Deptartment of Defense,
Department Of Defense Password Management Guideline
Abstract: This publication, "Department of Defense
Password management Guideline," is being issued by the DoD
Computer Security Center (DoDCSC) under the authority of and in
accordance with DoD Directive 5215.1, "Computer Security
Evaluation Center." The guidelines described in this document
provide a set of good practices elated to the use of
password-based user authentication mechanisms in automatic data
processing systems employed for processing classified and other
sensitive information. Point of contact concerning this
publication is the Office of Standards and Products, Attention:
Chief, Computer Security Standards.
Relating Functionality Class And Security Sub-Profile
Abstract: This Document describes methods for relating
security functionality classes being proposed by various security
evaluation criteria standardization efforts and security
sub-profile specifications stemming from profiling of Open System
National Computer
Security Center,
Trusted Distribution
Abstract: This publication is issued by the National
Computer Security Center(NCSC) as part of its program to
promulgate technical computer security guidelines. The
interpretations extend the evaluation classes of the Trusted
Systems Evaluation Criteria (DOD 5200.28-STD) to trusted network
systems and components.
National Computer
Security Center,
A Guide to Understanding Trusted Distribution in Trusted
Abstract: This document is the latest in the series of
technical guidelines that are being published by the National
Computer Security Center. These publications are designed to
provide insight to the Trusted Computer Systems Evaluation
Criteria requirements and guidance for meeting each
Built by Mark Crosbie
and Ivan