The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

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An Object-Relational Approach to the Representation of Multi-granular Spatio-Temporal Data

CERIAS TR 2006-44
Elisa Bertino, Dolores Cuadra, and Paloma Martínez
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The notion of spatio-temporal multi-granularity is fundamental when modeling objects in GIS applications in that it supports the representation of the temporal evolutions of these objects. Concepts and issues in multi-granular spatio-temporal representations have been widely investigated by the research community. However, despite the large number of theoretical investigations, no comprehensive approaches, have been proposed dealing with the representation of multi-granular spatio-temporal objects in commercially available DBMSs.  The goal of the work that we report in this paper is to address this gap. To achieve it, the paper first introduces an object-relational model based on OpenGis specifications described in SQL3. Several extensions are developed in order to improve the semantics and behavior for spatio-temporal data types introducing an approach to represent the temporal dimension in this model and the multi-representation of spatio-temporal granularities.

Added 2007-06-07

Scanner identification using sensor pattern noise

Nitin Khanna and Aravind K. Mikkilineni and George T.-C. Chiu and Jan P. Allebach and Edward J. Delp
Added 2007-06-01

Perceptual Watermarks for Digital Images and Video

Raymond Wolfgang and Christine Podilchuk and Edward Delp
Added 2007-06-01

SLAM: Sleep-Wake Aware Local Monitoring in Sensor Networks

Issa Khalil, Saurabh Bagchi, Ness B. Shroff

Sleep-wake protocols are critical in sensor networks to ensure long-lived operation. However, an open problem is how to develop efficient mechanisms that can be incorporated with sleep-wake protocols to ensure both longlived operation and a high degree of security. Our contribution in this paper is to address this problem by using local monitoring, a powerful technique for detecting and mitigating control and data attacks in sensor networks. In local monitoring, each node oversees part of the traffic going in and out of its neighbors to determine if the behavior is suspicious, such as, unusually long delay in forwarding a packet. Here, we present a protocol called SLAM to make local monitoring parsimonious in its energy consumption and to integrate it with any extant sleep-wake protocol in the network. The challenge is to enable sleep-wake in a secure manner even in the face of nodes that may be adversarial and not wake up nodes responsible for monitoring its traffic. We prove analytically that the security coverage is not weakened by the protocol. We perform simulations in ns-2 to demonstrate that the performance of local monitoring is practically unchanged while listening energy saving of 30 to 129 times is achieved, depending on the network load.

Added 2007-05-31

MOBIWORP: Mitigation of the Wormhole Attack in Mobile Multihop Wireless Networks

Issa Khalil, Saurabh Bagchi, Ness B. Shroff

In multihop wireless systems, the need for cooperation among nodes to relay each other’s packets exposes them to a wide range of security attacks. A particularly devastating attack is the wormhole attack, where a malicious node records control traffic at one location and tunnels it to a colluding node, possibly far away, which replays it locally. This can have an adverse effect on route establishment by preventing nodes from discovering legitimate routes that are more than two hops away. Previous works on tolerating wormhole attacks have focused only on detection and used specialized hardware, such as directional antennas or extremely accurate clocks. More recent work has addressed the problem of locally isolating the malicious nodes. However, all of this work has been done in the context of static networks due to the difficulty of secure neighbor discovery with mobile nodes. The existing work on secure neighbor discovery has limitations in accuracy, resource requirements, and applicability to ad hoc and sensor networks. In this paper, we present a countermeasure for the wormhole attack, called MOBIWORP, which alleviates these drawbacks and efficiently mitigates the wormhole attack in mobile networks. MOBIWORP uses a secure central authority (CA) for global tracking of node positions. Local monitoring is used to detect and isolate malicious nodes locally. Additionally, when sufficient suspicion builds up at the CA, it enforces a global isolation of the malicious node from the whole network. The effect of MOBIWORP on the data traffic and the fidelity of detection is brought out through extensive simulation using ns-2. The results show that as time progresses, the data packet drop ratio goes to zero with MOBIWORP due the capability of MOBIWORP to detect, diagnose and isolate malicious nodes. With an appropriate choice of design parameters, MOBIWORP is shown to completely eliminate framing of a legitimate node by malicious nodes, at the cost of a slight increase in the drop ratio. The results also show that increasing mobility of the nodes degrades the performance of MOBIWORP.

Added 2007-05-31

Stream: Low Overhead Wireless Reprogramming for Sensor Networks

Rajesh Krishna Panta, Issa Khalil, Saurabh Bagchi


Added 2007-05-31

MOBIWORP: Mitigation of the Wormhole Attack in Mobile Multihop Wireless Networks

Issa Khalil, Saurabh Bagchi, Ness B. Shroff

In multihop wireless systems, the need for cooperation among nodes to relay each other’s packets exposes them to a wide range of security attacks. A particularly devastating attack is the wormhole attack, where a malicious node records control traffic at one location and tunnels it to a colluding node, possibly far away, which replays it locally. This can have an adverse effect on route establishment by preventing nodes from discovering legitimate routes that are more than two hops away. Previous works on tolerating wormhole attacks have focused only on detection and used specialized hardware, such as directional antennas or extremely accurate clocks. More recent work has addressed the problem of locally isolating the malicious nodes. However, all of this work has been done in the context of static networks due to the difficulty of secure neighbor discovery with mobile nodes. The existing work on secure neighbor discovery has limitations in accuracy, resource requirements, and applicability to ad hoc and sensor networks. In this paper, we present a countermeasure for the wormhole attack, called MOBIWORP, which alleviates these drawbacks and efficiently mitigates the wormhole attack in mobile networks. MOBIWORP uses a secure central authority (CA) for global tracking of node positions. Local monitoring is used to detect and isolate malicious nodes locally. Additionally, when sufficient suspicion builds up at the CA, it enforces a global isolation of the malicious node from the whole network. The effect of MOBIWORP on the data traffic and the fidelity of detection is brought out through extensive simulation using ns-2.

Added 2007-05-31

Analysis and Evaluation of SECOS, a Protocol for Energy Efficient and Secure Communication in Sensor Networks

Issa Khalil, Saurabh Bagchi, Ness Shroff

Wireless sensor networks are increasingly being used in applications where the communication between nodes needs to be protected from eavesdropping and tampering. Such protection is typically provided using techniques from symmetric key cryptography. The protocols in this domain suffer from one or more of the following problems  weak security guarantees if some nodes are compromised, lack of scalability, high energy overhead for key management, and increased end-to-end data latency. In this paper, we propose a protocol called SECOS that mitigates these problems in static sensor networks. SECOS divides the sensor field into control groups each with a control node. Data exchange between nodes within a control group happens through the mediation of the control head which provides the common key. The keys are refreshed periodically and the control nodes are changed periodically to enhance security. SECOS enhances the survivability of the network by handling compromise and failures of control nodes. It provides the guarantee that the communication between any two sensor nodes remains secure despite the compromise of any number of other nodes in the network. The experiments based on a simulation model show a seven time reduction in energy overhead and a 50% reduction in latency compared to SPINS, which is one of the state-of-the-art protocols for key management in sensor networks.

Added 2007-05-31

DICAS: Detection, Diagnosis and Isolation of Control Attacks in Sensor Networks

Issa Khalil, Saurabh Bagchi, Cristina Nina-Rotaru

in both military and civilian domains. However, the deployment scenarios, the functionality requirements, and the limited capabilities of these networks expose them to a wide-range of attacks against control traffic (such as wormholes, Sybil attacks, rushing attacks, etc). In this paper we propose a lightweight protocol called DICAS that mitigates these attacks by detecting, diagnosing, and isolating the malicious nodes. DICAS uses as a fundamental building block the ability of a node to oversee its neighboring nodes

Added 2007-05-31

LITEWORP: A Lightweight Countermeasure for the Wormhole Attack in Multihop Wireless Networks

Issa Khalil, Saurabh Bagchi, Ness B. Shroff

In multihop wireless systems, such as ad-hoc and sensor networks, the need for cooperation among nodes to relay each other

Added 2007-05-31

Efficient Correlated Action Selection

CERIAS TR 2007-25
Mikhail Atallah, Marina Blanton, Keith Frikken, and Jiangtao Li
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Participants in e-commerce and other forms of online collaborations tend to be selfish and rational, and therefore game theory has been recognized as particularly relevant to this area, especially when combined with notions from computational complexity and cryptography. In many common games, the joint strategy of the players is described by a list of pairs of actions, and one of those pairs is chosen according to a specified correlated probability distribution.  In traditional game theory, it is a trusted third party mediator that carries out the random selection, and reveals to each player that player’s recommended action from the selected pair. In such games that have a correlated equilibrium, each player follows the mediator’s recommendation because deviating from it cannot increase a player’s expected payoff.  Dodis et al. described a two-party protocol that eliminates, through cryptographic means, the third party mediator: Such games are replaced with games that do not require a third party mediator and have a computational Nash equilibrium. The protocol of Dodis et al. was designed and works well for a uniform distribution, but can be quite inefficient if applied to non-uniform distributions. Teague has subsequently built on this work and extended it to the case where the probabilistic strategy no longer assigns equal probabilities to all the pairs of moves, i.e., a pair can now have an associated probability that is much smaller (or larger) than the probability of other pairs. Our present paper improves on the work of Teague by providing an exponentially more efficient protocol for the same problem. The protocol uses tools that are of independent interest and that improve the round-complexity of recently presented protocols unrelated to the presently considered game-theoretic framework.

Added 2007-05-31

Secret Handshakes with Dynamic and Fuzzy Matching

CERIAS TR 2007-24
Giuseppe Ateniese, Marina Blanton, and Jonathan Kirsch
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The need for communication privacy over public networks is of growing concern in today’s society.  As a result, privacy-preserving authentication and key exchange protocols have become critical primitives in building secure distributed systems. Secret handshakes provide such a service by allowing two members of the same group to secretly and privately authenticate to each other and agree on a shared key for further communication.

This paper presents the first efficient secret handshake schemes with unlinkable, reusable credentials that do not rely on random oracles for their security (solving open problems from prior literature). In previous work, secret handshakes were extended with roles, so that a group member A can specify the role another group member B must have in order to successfully complete the protocol with A. We generalize the traditional and role-based secret handshake in two ways. First, we present a secret handshake with dynamic matching, in which each party can specify both the group and the role the other must have in order to complete the handshake. Second, we provide a novel extension of secret handshakes to include attributes, allowing the handshake to be based on approximate (or fuzzy) matching.

We demonstrate the practicality and efficiency of our protocols by evaluating a prototype implementation.  We integrate our dynamic matching protocol into IPsec, and we detail the performance tradeoffs associated with our fuzzy matching scheme. Our experiments indicate that our solutions offer attractive performance.

Added 2007-05-31

Efficient Techniques for Realizing Geo-Spatial Access Control

CERIAS TR 2007-23
Mikhail Atallah, Marina Blanton, and Keith Frikken
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The problem of key management for access control systems has been well-studied, and the literature contains several schemes for hierarchy-based and temporal-based access control. The problem of key management in such systems is how to assign keys to users such that each user is able to compute and have access to the appropriate resources while minimizing computation and storage requirements. In the current paper, we consider key management schemes for geo-spatial access control. That is, the access control policy assigns to a user a specific geographic area, and the user consequently obtains access to her area or information about it.

In this work, the geography is modeled as an m*n grid of cells (let m <= n). Each cell has its own key associated with it, and a user who wants to access the content of a cell needs to obtain its key. Each user obtains access to a rectangular area (or a finite collection of such rectangles) and is able compute keys corresponding to the cells that comprise her area.

Our main result is an efficient scheme with the following properties: (i) each user obtains a small constant number of secret keys that permit access to an arbitrary rectangular sub-grid, (ii) computation to derive the key of a specific cell in that rectangle consists of a constant number of efficient operations, and (iii) the server needs to maintain O(mn(log log m)^2 log^* m) public information accessible to all users. The public storage requirement is the worst-case bound and can be improved if the grid is partitioned into regions where the cells of a region share the same key.

Added 2007-05-31

Dynamic Cryptographic Hash Functions

CERIAS TR 2007-20
William Speirs
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Added 2007-05-06

Finite field of low characteristic in elliptic curve cryptography

CERIAS TR 2007-22
Shuo Shen
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Added 2007-05-04