The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Reports and Papers Archive

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Defense Science Study Group 2004-2005 Papers 1-11

P. Gould

Paper 1- Toward a Global Field Guide for Microorganisms

Paper 2- Tampering with DNA: National Security Needs for Detection and Design

Paper 3- Evaluating the Potential Bioterrorism Threat Posed by Influenza

Paper 4- The Merging of Man and Machine: Using Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) to Augment Human Capabilities

Paper 5- Advances in Agricultural Biotechnology and Vulnerabilities in the U.S. Food Supply

Paper 6- Uncertainty Modeling in Cooperative Control: When Does the Teamwork Advantage Break Down?

Paper 7- Passive and Semi-Passive Nanomaterial-Based Sensors for Multi-Year Remote Detection

Paper 8- Next-Generation Shape Memory Polymer-Based Composite Materials for Military Applications

Paper 9- Improving Information Sharing to Prevent Future Terrorist Attacks

Paper 10- Cybersecurity Threats to Military and Civilian Critical Infrastructure

Paper 11- Novel Radio Frequency (RF) Detection Methods for Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs)

Added 2007-05-01

Using artificial neural networks for forensic file type identification

CERIAS TR 2007-19
Ryan M. Harris
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Current forensic software relies upon accurate identification of file types in order to determine which files contain potential evidence. However, current type recognition mechanisms are susceptible to simple attacks that enable a criminal to confuse the detection algorithm. This study investigated whether artificial neural networks were superior to existing mechanisms at responding to modern evidence tampering techniques and concluded that the tested neural networks were not better than the existing methods.  However, the study yielded avenues for future investigation.

Added 2007-04-30

Enabling Confidentiality of Data Delivery in an Overlay Broadcasting System

Ruben Torres, Xin Sun, Aaron Walters, Cristina Nita-Rotaru and Sanjay Rao
Added 2007-04-29

Feasibility of DDoS attacks using P2P Systems and Prevention through Robust Membership Management

Xin Sun, Ruben Torres and Sanjay Rao

We show that malicious nodes in a peer-to-peer system may impact the external Internet environment, by causing large-scale distributed denial of service attacks on nodes not even part of the overlay system. This is in contrast to attacks that disrupt the normal functioning, and performance of the overlay system itself.  We formulate several principles critical to the design of membership management protocols robust to such attacks.  We show that (i) pull-based mechanisms are preferable to push-based mechanisms; (ii) it is critical to validate membership information received by a node, and even simple probe-based techniques can be quite effective; (iii) validating information by requiring corrobaration from multiple sources can provide good security properties with insignificant performance penalties; and (iv) it is important to bound the number of distinct logical identifier (e.g. IDs in a DHT) corresponding to the same physical identifier (e.g., IP address), which a participating node is unable to validate. We demonstrate the importance of these principles in the context of the KAD system for file distribution, and ESM system for video broadcasting. To our knowledge, this is the first systematic study of issues in the design of membership management algorithms in peer-to-peer systems so they may be robust to attacks exploiting them for DDoS attacks on external nodes.

Added 2007-04-29

IEEE International Carnahan Conferences Security Technology

CERIAS TR 2007-11
Blomekec, C. R., Howell, B.M., and Elliott, S.J.
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This paper will outline the results of an online survey about the perceptions of Indiana 4-H Youth Educators on the use of retinal imaging for the purpose of identifying 4-H livestock projects.

Added 2007-04-25

Data Mining and Privacy: An Overview

Christopher W. Clifton and Deirdre K. Mulligan and Raghu Ramakrishnan
Added 2007-04-23

Privacy Preserving Data Mining

Jaideep Vaidya and Chris Clifton and Michael Zhu
Added 2007-04-23

A Secure Distributed Framework for Achieving k-Anonymity

Wei Jiang and Chris Clifton
Added 2007-04-23

Hiding the Presence of Individuals from Shared Databases

Mehmet Nergiz, Maurizio Atzori and Christopher Clifton
Added 2007-04-23

MultiRelational k-Anonymity

Mehmet Ercan Nergiz, Chris Clifton and Ahmet Erhan Nergiz
Added 2007-04-23

Privacy-Preserving Top-K Queries

Jaideep Vaidya and Chris Clifton
Added 2007-04-23

Security Issues in Querying Encrypted Data

Murat Kantarcioglu and Chris Clifton
Added 2007-04-23

Privacy-Preserving Decision Trees over Vertically Partitioned Data

Jaideep Vaidya and Chris Clifton
Added 2007-04-23

Privacy-Preserving Outlier Detection

Jaideep Vaidya and Chris Clifton
Added 2007-04-23

Privacy-Preserving Data Mining: Why, How, and What For?

Jaideep Vaidya and Chris Clifton
Added 2007-04-23