The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

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Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX Windows NT Symposium

Susan Owicki & Thorsten von Eicken
Added 2006-05-10

Detecting Social Engineering

CERIAS TR 2006-15
Michael Hoeschele
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This study consisted of creating and evaluating a proof of concept model of the Social Engineering Defense Architecture (SEDA) as theoretically proposed by Hoeschele and Rogers (2005).  The SEDA is a potential solution to the problem of Social Engineering (SE) attacks perpetrated over the phone lines.  The proof of concept model implemented some simple attack detection processes and the database to store all gathered information.  The model was tested by generating benign telephone conversations in addition to conversations that include Social Engineering (SE) attacks.  The conversations were then processed by the model to determine its accuracy to detect attacks.  The model was able to detect all attacks and to store all of the correct data in the database, resulting in 100% accuracy.

Added 2006-05-10

1999 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium

Internet Society
Added 2006-05-09

Secure Net 97

Elsevier Advanced Technology
Added 2006-05-09

Software Engineering Notes (Vol. 25, 3)

David Notkin
Added 2006-05-09

Software Engineering Notes (Vol. 25, 2)

David Notkin
Added 2006-05-09

Software Engineering Notes (Vol. 25, 1)

David Notkin
Added 2006-05-09

Software Engineering Notes (Vol. 24, 5)

David Notkin
Added 2006-05-09

Software Engineering Notes (Vol. 24, 4)

David Notkin
Added 2006-05-09

Software Engineering Notes (Vol. 24, 3)

David Notkin
Added 2006-05-09

Software Engineering Notes (Vol. 24, 1)

David Notkin
Added 2006-05-09

Software Engineering Notes (Vol. 23, 5)

David Notkin
Added 2006-05-09

Software Engineering Notes (Vol. 23, 4)

David Notkin
Added 2006-05-09