The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Reports and Papers Archive

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Guidelines for Automatic Data Processing Physical Security and Risk Management

US Department of Commerce

This publication provides guidelines to be used by Federal organizations in structuring physical security programs for their ADP facilities.  It treats security analysis, natural disasters, supporting utilities, system reliability, procedural measures and controls, off-site Facilities, contigency plans, security awareness and security audit.  It contains statistics and information relevant to physical security of computer data and facilites and references many applicable publications for a more exhaustive treatment of specific subjects.

Added 2002-07-26

Computer Security Publications NIST Publication List 91

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Added 2002-07-26

Interoperability and Security Requirements for use of the Data Encryption Standard with CCITT Group 3 Facsimile Equipment

National Communications System Office of Technology and Standards
Added 2002-07-26

Interoperability and Security Requirements for Use of the data Encryption Standard in the Physical Layer of Data Communications

National Communications System Office of Technology and Standards
Added 2002-07-26

History of Computer Security Project Early Papers (part I)

University if California, Davis
Added 2002-07-26

A Simple Active Attack Against TCP

Laurent Joncheray

This paper describes an active attack against the Transport Control Protocol (TCP) which allows a cracker to redirect the TCP stream through his machine thereby permitting him to bypass the protection offered by such a system as a one-time password[SKEY] or by ticketing authentication [Kerberos]. The TCP COnnection is vulnerable to anyone with a TCP packet sniffer and generator locates on the path followed by the connection. Some schemes to detect this attack are presented as well as some methods of prevention and some interesting details of the TCP protocol behaviors.

Added 2002-07-26

A Bibliography on Performance Issues in ATM Networks

I. Nikolaidis,R.O. Onvural

The Asychronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is the transport mode of choice for B-ISDN. In order for high speed networks to become a reality, a number of performance issues has to be resolved.

Added 2002-07-26

An Overview of InterBase Systems

O. Bukhres,J. Chen,W. Du,A.K. Elmagarmid,R. Pezzoli

Distributed, heterogeneous, and autonomous hardware and software systems are the product of legnthy and diverse computational and information processing requirements. The introduction of harmonious cooperation among such systems carries the potential for great increases in productivity and improvment in applications processing. However, such harmonious cooperation must be supportedby an integrated system that would allow the developement of global applications.

Added 2002-07-26