The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

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Adaptive Virtual Distributed Environments for Shared Cyberinfrastructures

CERIAS TR 2007-108
Ruth, Paul
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Added 2012-12-11

Mitigation of control and data traffic attacks in wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks

CERIAS TR 2007-109
Issa Khalil
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Added 2012-12-11

An examination of user behavior for user re-authentication

CERIAS TR 2007-110
Pusara, Maja
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Added 2012-12-11

Privacy-preserving Access Control

CERIAS TR 2012-13
Zahid Pervaiz, Walid G. Aref, Arif Ghafoor, and Nagabhushana Prabhu
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Access control mechanisms protect sensitive information from unauthorized users. However, when sensitive information is shared and a Privacy Protection Mechanism (PPM) is not in place, an authorized insider can still compromise the privacy of a person leading to identity disclosure. A PPM can use suppression and generalization to anonymize and satisfy privacy requirements, e.g., k-anonymity and l-diversity, against identity and attribute disclosure. However, the protection of privacy is achieved at the cost of precision of authorized information. In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving access control framework. The access control policies define selection predicates available to roles while the privacy requirement is to satisfy the k-anonymity or l-diversity. An additional constraint that needs to be satisfied by the PPM is the imprecision bound for each selection predicate. The techniques for workload-aware anonymization for selection predicates have been discussed in the literature. However, to the best of our knowledge, the problem of satisfying the accuracy constraints for multiple roles has not been studied before. In our formulation of the aforementioned problem, we propose heuristics for anonymization algorithms and show empirically that the proposed approach satisfies imprecision bounds for more permissions and has lower total imprecision than the current state of the art.

Added 2012-10-02

Privacy Preserving Access Control on Third-Party Data Management Systems

CERIAS TR 2012-12
Mohamed Nabeel
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The tremendous growth in electronic media has made publication of information in either open or closed environments easy and effective. However, most application domains (e.g. electronic health records (EHRs)) require that the fine-grained selective access to information be enforced in order to comply with legal requirements, organizational policies, subscription conditions, and so forth. The problem becomes challenging with the increasing adoption of cloud computing technologies where sensitive data reside outside of organizational boundaries. An important issue in utilizing third party data management systems is how to selectively share data based on finegrained attribute based access control policies and/or expressive subscription queries while assuring the confidentiality of the data and the privacy of users from the third party.

In this thesis, we address the above issue under two of the most popular dissemination models: pull based service model and subscription based publish-subscribe model. Encryption is a commonly adopted approach to assure confidentiality of data in such systems. However, the challenge is to support fine grained policies and/or expressive content filtering using encryption while preserving the privacy of users. We propose several novel techniques, including an efficient and expressive group key management scheme, to overcome this challenge and construct privacy preserving dissemination systems.

Added 2012-09-04

Practical Automatic Determination of Causal Relationships in Software Execution Traces

CERIAS TR 2011-24
Sundararaman Jeyaraman
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From the system investigator who needs to analyze an intrusion (“how did the intruder break in?”), to the forensic expert who needs to investigate digital crimes (“did the suspect commit the crime?”), security experts frequently have to answer questions about the cause-effect relationships between the various events that occur in a computer system. The implications of using causality determination techniques with a low accuracy vary from slowing down incident response to undermining the evidence unearthed by forensic experts.

This dissertation presents research done in two areas: (1) We present an empirical study evaluating the accuracy and performance overhead of existing causality determination techniques. Our study shows that existing causality determination techniques are either accurate or efficient, but seldom both. (2) We propose a novel approach to causality determination based on coarse-grained observation of control-flow of program execution. Our evaluation shows that our approach is both practical in terms of low runtime overhead and accurate in terms of low false positives and false negatives.

Added 2012-08-03

Privacy Preserving Delegated Access Control in Public Clouds

CERIAS TR 2012-11
Mohamed Nabeel, Elisa Bertino
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Current approaches to enforce fine-grained access control on confidential data hosted in the cloud are based on fine-grained encryption of the data. Under such approaches, data owners are in charge of encrypting the data before uploading them on the cloud and re-encrypting the data whenever user credentials or authorization policies change. Data owners thus incur high communication and computation costs. A better approach should delegate the enforcement of fine-grained access control to the cloud, so to minimize the overhead at the data owners, while assuring data confidentiality from the cloud. We propose an approach, based on two layers of encryption, that addresses such requirement. Under our approach, the data owner performs a coarse-grained encryption, whereas the cloud performs a fine-grained encryption on top of the owner encrypted data. A challenging issue is how to decompose access control policies (ACPs) such that the two layer encryption can be performed.We show that this problem is NP-complete and propose novel optimization algorithms. We utilize an efficient group key management scheme that supports expressive ACPs. Our system assures the confidentiality of the data and preserves the privacy of users from the cloud while delegating most of the access control enforcement to the cloud.

Added 2012-07-17

Privacy Risk and Scalability of Differentially-Private Data Anonymization

CERIAS TR 2012-10
Mohamed R. Fouad
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Although data disclosure is advantageous for many obvious reasons, it may incur some risk resulting from potential security breaches. An example of such privacy violation occurs when an adversary reconstructs the original data using additional information. Moreover, sharing private information such as address and telephone number in social networks is always subject to a potential misuse. In this dissertation, we address both the scalability and privacy risk of data anonymization. We develop a framework that assesses the relationship between the disclosed data and the resulting privacy risk and use it to determine the optimal set of transformations that need to be performed before data is disclosed. We propose a scalable algorithm that meets differential privacy when applying a specific random sampling.

The main contribution of this dissertation is three-fold: (i) we show that determining the optimal transformations is an NP-hard problem and propose a few approximation heuristics, which we justify experimentally, (ii) we propose a personalized anonymization technique based on an aggregate (Lagrangian) formulation and prove that it could be solved in polynomial time, and (iii) we show that combining the proposed aggregate formulation with specific sampling gives an anonymization algorithm that satisfies differential privacy. Our results rely heavily on exploring the supermodularity properties of the risk function, which allow us to employ techniques from convex optimization. Finally, we use the proposed model to assess the risk of private information sharing in social networks.

Through experimental studies we compare our proposed algorithms with other anonymization schemes in terms of both time and privacy risk. We show that the proposed algorithm is scalable. Moreover, we compare the performance of the proposed approximate algorithms with the optimal algorithm and show that the sacrifice in risk is outweighed by the gain in efficiency.

Added 2012-07-04

Security and Economic Implications of Localizing Traffic in Overlay Networks

CERIAS TR 2012-09
Jeffrey Seibert
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Overlay networks are a collection of nodes that form a virtual network on top of the normal routing infrastructure of the Internet. These virtual networks allow nodes to organize themselves for the purpose of transferring data in a robust manner. Overlay networks, and in particular Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems, have become very popular as they provide scalable services for content distribution. However, many P2P systems have been oblivious to network locality, thus causing an increase in the amount of traffic that must leave an Internet Service Provider (ISP). P2P localization has then been proposed as a solution to contain traffic to within an ISP. In this dissertation, we first study the economic impact of actually deploying localization at an Internet-wide scale. We then consider how insider attackers can disrupt localization services and study how to protect such services from attacks. Finally, as insiders can also attack the overlays that utilize localization, we propose defenses for mitigating attacks in a high-bandwidth P2P streaming system.

Added 2012-07-02

Privacy-Preserving Assessment of Social Network Data Trustworthiness

CERIAS TR 2012-08
Chenyun Dai, Fang-Yu Rao, Traian Marius Truta, Elisa Bertino
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Extracting useful knowledge from social network datasets is a challenging problem. To add to the difficulty of this problem, privacy concerns that exist for many social network datasets have restricted the ability to analyze these networks and consequently to maximize the knowledge that can be extracted from them. This paper addresses this issue by introducing the problem of data trustworthiness in social networks when repositories of anonymized social networks exist that can be used to assess such trustworthiness. Three trust score computation models (absolute, relative, and weighted) that can be instantiated for specific anonymization models are defined and algorithms to calculate these trust scores are developed. Using both real and synthetic social networks, the usefulness of the trust score computation is validated through a series of experiments.

Added 2012-06-05

An Agent-Based Model for Navigation Simulation in a Heterogeneous Environment

CERIAS TR 2012-07
Teresa A. Shanklin
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Complex navigation (e.g. indoor and outdoor environments) can be studied as a system-of-systems problem. The model is made up of disparate systems that can aid a user in navigating from one location to another, utilizing whatever sensor system or information is available. By using intelligent navigation sensors and tech- niques (e.g. RFID, Wifi, GPS, embedded sensors on a mobile device, IMU, etc.) and adaptive techniques to switch between them, brings the possibility of an end-to-end navigational multi-agent system-of-systems (MaSoS). Indoor location-based applications have a broad appeal for development in navigation, robotics, gaming, asset tracking, networking, and more. GPS technolo- gies have been successfully leveraged for outdoor navigation, but often lose e↵ective- ness indoors due to a more constrained environment, possible loss of signal, lack of elevation information and need for better accuracy. Increasingly complex problems in navigation allow for the development of a framework for a system-of-systems. Individual systems contain distributed and het- erogeneous components that are disparate in nature. Multiple prototypes and a framework for a multi-agent system-of-systems are presented. The purpose of the model is to overcome the limitations of a single tech- nology navigation system. The system creates a classic system-of-systems utilizing existing and developing localization services. The system provides point-to-point path planning and navigation regardless of the transportation medium, location of the user or current environment.

Added 2012-05-09

Attribute Based Group Key Management

CERIAS TR 2012-05
Mohamed Nabeel, Elisa Bertino
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Attribute based systems enable fine-grained access control among a group of users each identified by a set of attributes. Secure collaborative applications need such flexible attribute based systems for managing and distributing group keys. However, current group key management schemes are not well designed to manage group keys based on the attributes of the group members. In this paper, we propose novel key management schemes that allow users whose attributes satisfy a certain access control policy to derive the group key. Our schemes efficiently support rekeying operations when the group changes due to joins or leaves of group members. During a rekey operation, the private information issued to existing members remains unaffected and only the public information is updated to change the group key. Our schemes are expressive; they are able to support any monotonic access control policy over a set of attributes. Our schemes are resistant to collusion attacks; group members are unable to pool their attributes and derive the group key which they cannot derive individually. Experimental results show that our underlying constructs are efficient and practical.

Added 2012-05-08

Privacy Preserving Policy Based Content Sharing in Public Clouds

CERIAS TR 2012-06
Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino
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An important problem in public clouds is how to selectively share documents based on fine-grained attribute based access control policies. An approach is to encrypt documents satisfying different policies with different keys using a public key crytosystem such as attribute based encryption (ABE), and/or proxy re-encryption (PRE). However, such an approach has some weaknesses: it cannot efficiently handle adding/revoking users or identity attributes, and policy changes; it requires to keep multiple encrypted copies of the same documents; it incurs high computational cost. A direct application of a symmetric key cryptosystem, where users are grouped based on the policies they satisfy and assigning unique keys for each group, also has similar weaknesses. We observe that, without utilizing public key cryptography and by allowing users to dynamically derive the symmetric keys at the time of decryption, one can address the above weaknesses. Based on this idea, we formalize a new key management scheme called broadcast group key management (BGKM) and then give a secure construction of a BGKM scheme called ACV-BGKM. The idea is to give some secrets to users based on the identity attributes they have and later allow them to derive actual symmetric keys based on their secrets and some public information. A key advantage of the BGKM scheme is that adding users/revoking users or updating access control policies can be performed efficiently by updating only some public information. Using our BGKM construct, we propose an efficient approach for fine-grained encryption based access control for documents stored in an untrusted cloud file storage.

Added 2012-05-08

Secure Physical System Design Leveraging PUF Technology

CERIAS TR 2012-04
Sam Kerr
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Physical systems are becoming increasingly computationally powerful as faster microprocessors are installed. This allows many types of applications and function- ality to be implemented. Much of the security risk has to do with confirming the device as an authentic device. This risk can be mitigated using a technology known as Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs). PUFs use the intrinsic differences in hardware behavior to produce a random function that is unique to that hardware instance. When combined with existing cryptographic techniques, these PUFs enable many different types of applications, such as read once keys, secure communications, and secure smart grids.

Added 2012-05-08

Real Time Text Analysis on Internet Relay Chat Conversations

CERIAS TR 2012-03
Marvin O. Michels
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Internet Relay Chat (IRC) has been and is still being used for a number of legal and illegal activities. Investigations dealing with IRC tend to be arduous and require a vast amount of man hours for the constant monitoring needed, whether it is from law enforcement or just a normal user surfing through the channels. This research looked at developing the IRC Data Gathering Tool (IRCDGT), which facilitated real-time analysis of IRC chat messages as well as real-time updates to the investigator. This is intended to help reduce the number of man-house needed in front of a computer for an investigation. A crawler was developed for IRC that goes through a list of channels and reports on what is being discussed in those channels. Normal keyword analysis statistically outperforms keyword & POST analysis in terms of recall while there is no significant difference between basic keyword analysis and keyword & POST analysis in terms of precision. Topic analysis was performed in near-real time to enhance the keyword analysis. Lastly, natural language processing seems to have issues with dealing with the language of the Internet subculture.

Added 2012-04-27