The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Reports and Papers Archive

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Implementation Notes on bdes(1)

Matt Bishop
Added 2009-04-28

Analyzing single-server network inhibition

Tuomas Aura, Matt Bishop
Added 2009-04-28

ADAM: Detecting Intrusions by Data Mining

Daniel Barbara, Julia Couto, Sushil Jajodia, Leonard Popyack, Ningning Wu
Added 2009-04-28

The Role of Trust Management in Distributed Systems Security

Matt Blaze, Joan Feigenbaum, John Ioannidis, Angelos D. Keromytis
Added 2009-04-28

Ontological Semantics Spam Filters

CERIAS TR 2009-08
Omar Alrawi

E-mail fraud has become very prevalent in cyberspace and is currently a major technique utilized by cyber criminals to swindle victims. E-mail fraud is a category of spam or unsolicited bulk e-mail [1]. Spam filter research has been very active in combating e-mail spam. Spam filter research ranges from statistical methods for text categorization to newer methods of defining user preference ontologies to classify incoming e-mails. Much of these methods have limitations or an upper bound where they can be bypassed by simply misspelling, manipulating, or rephrasing the text. The research proposed in this composition utilizes a new technique that uses a very powerful tool known as ontological semantics. Ontological semantics gives direct access to the texts meaning, which in turn will help accurately classify and categorize unsolicited bulk e-mails. This study will provide insight on less effective current spam filter techniques and discuss their limitations compared to the proposed method of an ontological spam filter.

Added 2009-04-24

Intrustion Detection Systems: A Survey and Taxonomy

Stefan Axelsson
Added 2009-04-23

Prudent Engineering Practice for Cryptographic Protocols

Martin Abadi, Roger Needham
Added 2009-04-22

Security Concerns in Telecare and Telemedicine

CERIAS TR 2009-11
Vaibhav Garg
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Telecare and Telemedicine services are a technology-based replacement for in-homecare services provided primarily to the elderly and consumers recovering from certain ailments. While these services are mostly successful in the pilot stages they tend to fail in real life settings. One major reason for this failure may be attributed to security issues associated with these services. This research attempts to identify the various Telecare/Telemedicine-related areas whose security issues need to be addressed. The research looks at the work conducted in the field and the issues still to be addressed.

Added 2009-04-20

17th National Computer Security Conference Proceedings Volume 2

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Added 2009-04-15

The Computer Criminal and The Internet

B. Ciske VanOosten
Added 2009-04-15

Technology and Arbitrary Decisions

Patrick Grim
Added 2009-04-15

A Strategy for Infomation Assurance

J. Todd Hamill, Richard F. Deckro, Jack M. Kloeber, Jr.
Added 2009-04-15

Management Responsibility in Protecting Information Assets

Dr. Adrian McCullagh
Added 2009-04-15