The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

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Automating DDoS experimentation

Jelena Mirkovic, Brett Wilson, Alefiya Hussain, Sonia Fahmy, Peter Reiher, Roshan Thomas, Stephen Schwab

While the DETER testbed provides a safe environment and basic tools for security experimentation, researchers face a significant challenge in assembling the testbed pieces and tools into realistic and complete experimental scenarios. In this paper, we describe our work on automating experimentation for distributed denial-of-service attacks. We developed the following automation tools: (1) the Experimenter’s Workbench that provides a graphical user interface, tools for topology, traffic and monitoring setup and tools for statistics collection, visualization and processing, (2) a DDoS benchmark suite that contains a set of diverse and comprehensive attack scenarios, (3) the Experiment Generator that combines chosen AS-level and edge-level topologies, legitimate traffic and a set of attacks into DETER-compatible scripts. Jointly, these tools facilitate easy experimentation even for novice users.

Added 2008-05-13

A Secure Programming Paradigm for Network Virtualization

A. Milanova, S. Fahmy, D. Musser, B. Yener

The central paradigm of today’s successful Internet is to keep the network core simple and move complexity towards the network end points. Unfortunately, this very paradigm limits network management and control capabilities, and creates opportunities for attacks such as worms, viruses, and spam that often seriously disrupt and degrade Internet and user performance. The thrust of this paper is that such problems cannot be effectively solved unless a paradigm shift is adopted. Towards a more secure and manageable Internet, we propose “virtualization” of the Internet, by carefully balancing its scalability and programmability properties. Our objective is to provide a programmable virtual Internet to users and to let them manage, control, and optimize it based on their individual needs.

Added 2008-05-13

Introduction to Parallel Computing: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Ananth Grama, George Karypis, Anshul Gupta, Vipin Kumar

Introducation to Parallel Computing is a complete end-to-end source of information on almost all aspects of parallel computing from introduction to architectures to programming paradigms to algorithms to programming standards. It is the only book to have complete coverage of traditional Computer Science algorithms (sorting, graph and matrix algorithms), scientific computing algorithms (FFT, sparse matrix computations, N-body methods), and data intensive algorithms (search, dynamic programming, data-mining).

Added 2008-05-13

Data Mining-Guest Editors' Introduction: From Serendipity to Science

Naren Ramakrishnan, Ananth Y. Grama

Serendipity refers to making fortunate discoveries quite by accident, so transitioning to a science might seem like an inherently difficult task. But that is just what modern data mining hopes to accomplish.

Added 2008-05-13

Privacy Risks in Recommender Systems

Naren Ramakrishnan, Benjamin J. Keller, Batul J. Mirza, Ananth Y. Grama, George Karypis

The authors explore the conflict between personalization and privacy that arises from the existence of straddlers - users with eclectic tastes who rates products across several different types or domains—in recommender systems. While straddlers enable serendipitous recommendations, information about their existence could be used in conjunction with other data sources to uncover identities and reveal personal details. This article discusses a graph­theoretic model for studying the benefit for and risk to straddlers.

Added 2008-05-13

An efficient algorithm for detecting frequent subgraphs in biological networks

Mehmet Koyuturk, Ananth Grama, Wojciech Szpankowski
Added 2008-05-13

PROXIMUS: a framework for analyzing very high dimensional discrete-attributed datasets

Mehmet Koyuturk, Ananth Grama

This paper presents an efficient framework for error-bounded compression of high-dimensional discrete attributed datasets. Such datasets, which frequently arise in a wide variety of applications, pose some of the most significant challenges in data analysis. Subsampling and compression are two key technologies for analyzing these datasets. PROXIMUS provides a technique for reducing large datasets into a much smaller set of representative patterns, on which traditional (expensive) analysis algorithms can be applied with minimal loss of accuracy. We show desirable properties of PROXIMUS in terms of runtime, scalability to large datasets, and performance in terms of capability to represent data in a compact form. We also demonstrate applications of PROXIMUS in association rule mining. In doing so, we establish PROXIMUS as a tool for preprocessing data before applying computationally expensive algorithms or as a tool for directly extracting correlated patterns. Our experimental results show that use of the compressed data for association rule mining provides excellent precision and recall values (near 100%) across a range of support thresholds while reducing the time required for association rule mining drastically.

Added 2008-05-13

State of the art in parallel search techniques for discreteoptimization problems

A. Grama, V. Kumar

Discrete optimization problems arise in a variety of domains, such as VLSI design, transportation, scheduling and management, and design optimization. Very often, these problems are solved using state space search techniques. Due to the high computational requirements and inherent parallel nature of search techniques, there has been a great deal of interest in the development of parallel search methods since the dawn of parallel computing. Significant advances have been made in the use of powerful heuristics and parallel processing to solve large-scale discrete optimization problems. Problem instances that were considered computationally intractable only a few years ago are routinely solved currently on server-class symmetric multiprocessors and small workstation clusters. Parallel game-playing programs are challenging the best human minds at games like chess. In this paper, we describe the state of the art in parallel algorithms used for solving discrete optimization problems. We address heuristic and nonheuristic techniques for searching graphs as well as trees, and speed-up anomalies in parallel search that are caused by the inherent speculative nature of search techniques

Added 2008-05-13

Pairwise Alignment of Protein Interaction Networks

Mehmet Koyuturk, Yohan Kim, Umut Topkara, Shankar Subramaniam, Wojciech Szpankowski, Ananth Grama

With an ever-increasing amount of available data on protein–protein interaction (PPI) networks and research revealing that these networks evolve at a modular level, discovery of conserved patterns in these networks becomes an important problem. Although available data on protein–protein interactions is currently limited, recently developed algorithms have been shown to convey novel biological insights through employment of elegant mathematical models. The main challenge in aligning PPI networks is to define a graph theoretical measure of similarity between graph structures that captures underlying biological phenomena accurately. In this respect, modeling of conservation and divergence of interactions, as well as the interpretation of resulting alignments, are important design parameters. In this paper, we develop a framework for comprehensive alignment of PPI networks, which is inspired by duplication/divergence models that focus on understanding the evolution of protein interactions. We propose a mathematical model that extends the concepts of match, mismatch, and gap in sequence alignment to that of match, mismatch, and duplication in network alignment and evaluates similarity between graph structures through a scoring function that accounts for evolutionary events. By relying on evolutionary models, the proposed framework facilitates interpretation of resulting alignments in terms of not only conservation but also divergence of modularity in PPI networks. Furthermore, as in the case of sequence alignment, our model allows flexibility in adjusting parameters to quantify underlying evolutionary relationships. Based on the proposed model, we formulate PPI network alignment as an optimization problem and present fast algorithms to solve this problem. Detailed experimental results from an implementation of the proposed framework show that our algorithm is able to discover conserved interaction patterns very effectively, in terms of both accuracies and computational cost.

Added 2008-05-13

Macroprogramming heterogeneous sensor networks using cosmos

Asad Awan, Suresh Jagannathan, Ananth Grama

In this paper, we present COSMOS, a novel architecture for macroprogramming heterogeneous sensor network systems. Macroprogramming specifies aggregate system behavior, as opposed to device-specific programs that code distributed behavior using explicit messaging. COSMOS is comprised of a macroprogramming language, mPL, and an operating system, mOS. mPL macroprograms are statically verifiable compositions of reusable user-specified, or system supported functional components. The mOS node/network operating system provides component management and a lean execution environment for mPL programs in heterogeneous resource-constrained sensor networks. It provides runtime application instantiation, with over-the-air reprogramming of the network. COSMOS facilitates composition of complex real-world applications that are robust, scalable and adaptive in dynamic data-driven sensor network environments. An important and novel aspect of COSMOS is the ability to easily extend its component basis library to add rich macroprogramming abstractions to mPL, tailored to domain and resource constraints, without modifications to the OS. Applications built on COSMOS are currently in use at the Bowen Labs for Structural Engineering, in Purdue University, for high-fidelity structural monitoring. We present a detailed description of the COSMOS architecture, its various components, and a comprehensive experimental evaluation using macro- and micro- benchmarks to demonstrate performance characteristics of COSMOS.

Added 2008-05-13

On determining the fair bandwidth share for ABR connections in ATM networks

Sonia Fahmy, Raj Jain, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, Rohit Goyal, Bobby Vandalore

In a multi-service network such as ATM, adaptive data services (such as ABR) share the bandwidth left unused by higher priority services. The network indicates to the ABR sources the fair and efficient rates at which they should transmit to minimize their cell loss. Switches must constantly measure the demand and available capacity, and divide the capacity fairly among the contending connections. In this paper, we propose a new method for determining the “effective” number of active connections, and the fair bandwidth share for each connection. We prove the efficiency and fairness of the proposed method analytically, and use several simulations to illustrate its fairness dynamics and transient response properties.

Added 2008-05-12

Analysis of vulnerabilities in Internet firewalls

Seny Kamara, Sonia Fahmy, Eugene Schultz, Florian Kerschbaum, Michael Frantzen

Firewalls protect a trusted network from an untrusted network by filtering traffic according to a specified security policy. A diverse set of firewalls is being used today. As it is infeasible to examine and test each firewall for all possible potential problems, a taxonomy is needed to understand firewall vulnerabilities in the context of firewall operations. This paper describes a novel methodology for analyzing vulnerabilities in Internet firewalls. A firewall vulnerability is defined as an error made during firewall design, implementation, or configuration, that can be exploited to attack the trusted network that the firewall is supposed to protect. We examine firewall internals, and cross-reference each firewall operation with causes and effects of weaknesses in that operation, analyzing twenty reported problems with available firewalls. The result of our analysis is a set of matrices that illustrate the distribution of firewall vulnerability causes and effects over firewall operations. These matrices are useful in avoiding and detecting unforeseen problems during both firewall implementation and firewall testing. Two case studies of Firewall-1 and Raptor illustrate our methodology.

Added 2008-05-12

AQuaFWiN: Adaptive QoS Framework for Multimedia in Wireless Networks and its Comparison with other QoS Frameworks

Bobby Vandalore, Raj Jain, Sonia Fahmy, Sudhir Dixit

In a wireless environment, due to topology changes and characteristics of media (interference in radio signals) the bandwidth of a link is unpredictable and possibly very low, the error rates are variable and extremely high. Provisioning and guaranteeing quality of service (QoS) in such an environment is a very challenging problem. In this paper we propose an adaptive QoS framework to support multimedia applications in a wireless networking environment. The proposed framework is hierarchical in nature with cluster of mobile end hosts connected to a base station, base stations are connected to a supervisory node, which in turn is connected to the wired infrastructure. The changing conditions in wireless due to interference and possibly mobility, entitle that the real-time applications needing stringent QoS should be adaptable. The framework uses a generic feedback mechanism to support adaptability at all layers of the wireless network.An overview of existing wireless architectures which support QoS is given. The architectures discussed are WAMIS (wireless adaptive multimedia information system), SWAN (seamless wireless ATM network), MMWN (multimedia support for mobile wireless networks), and QGMC (QoS guarantees in mobile computing). The proposed approach is compared with these existing methods.

Added 2008-05-12

Distributed Clustering for Scalable, Long-Lived Sensor Networks

Ossama Younis, Sonia Fahmy
Added 2008-05-12