The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

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A Framework for Understanding Vulnerabilities in Firewalls Using a Dataflow Model of Firewall Internals

Mike Frantzen, Florian Kerschbaum, E. Eugene Schultz, Sonia Fahmy

Vulnerabilities in vendor as well as freeware implementations of firewalls continue to emerge at a rapid pace. Each vulnerability superficially appears to be the result of something such as a coding flaw in one case, or a configuration weakness in another. Given the large number of firewall vulnerabilities that have surfaced in recent years, it is important to develop a comprehensive framework for understanding both what firewalls actually do when they receive incoming traffic and what can go wrong when they process this traffic. An intuitive starting point is to create a firewall dataflow model composed of discrete processing stages that reflect the processing characteristics of a given firewall. These stages do not necessarily all occur in all firewalls, nor do they always conform to the sequential order indicated in this paper. This paper also provides a more complete view of what happens inside a firewall, other than handling the filtering and possibly other rules that the administrator may have established. Complex interactions that influence the security that a firewall delivers frequently occur. Firewall administrators too often blindly believe that filtering rules solely decide the fate of any given packet. Distinguishing between the surface functionality (i.e., functionality related to packet filtering) and the deeper, dataflow-related functionality of firewalls provides a framework for understanding vulnerabilities that have surfaced in firewalls.

Added 2008-05-12

Robust communications for sensor networks in hostile environments

O. Younis, S. Fahmy, P. Santi

Clustering sensor nodes increases the scalability and energy efficiency of communications among them. In hostile environments, unexpected failures or attacks on cluster heads (through which communication takes place) may partition the network or degrade application performance. In this work, we propose a new approach, REED (Robust Energy Efficient Distributed clustering), for clustering sensors deployed in hostile environments. Our primary objective is to construct a k (i.e., k-connected) network, where k is a constant determined by the application. Fault tolerance can be achieved by selecting k independent sets of cluster heads (i.e., cluster head overlays) on top of the physical network, so that each node can quickly switch to other cluster heads in case of failures or attacks on its current cluster head. The independent cluster head overlays also provide multiple vertex-disjoint routing paths for load balancing and security. Network lifetime is prolonged by selecting cluster heads with high residual energy and low communication cost, and periodically reclustering the network in order to distribute energy consumption among sensor nodes. We prove that REED can asymptotically achieve k tolerance if certain constraints on node density are satisfied. We also investigate via simulations the clustering properties of REED, and show that building multiple cluster head overlays does not consume significant energy.

Added 2008-05-12

O. Younis, S. Fahmy

Several sensor network applications, such as environmental monitoring, require data aggregation to an observer. For this purpose, a data aggregation tree, rooted at the observer, is constructed in the network. Node clustering can be employed to further balance load among sensor nodes and prolong the network lifetime. In this paper, we design and implement a system, iHEED, in which node clustering is integrated with multi-hop routing for TinyOS. We consider simple data aggregation operators, such as AVG or MAX. We use a simple energy consumption model to keep track of the battery consumption of cluster heads and regular nodes. We perform experiments on a sensor network testbed to quantify the advantages of integrating hierarchical routing with data aggregation. Our results indicate that the network lifetime is prolonged by a factor of 2 to 4, and successful transmissions are almost doubled. Clustering plays a dominant role in delaying the first node death, while aggregation plays a dominant role in delaying the last node death.

Added 2008-05-12

General weighted fairness and its support in explicit rate switch algorithms

B. Vandalore, S. Fahmy, R. Jain, R. Goyal, M. Goyal

This paper gives a new definition of general weighted (GW) fairness and shows how this can achieve various fairness definitions, such as those mentioned in the ATM Forum TM 4.0 specifications. The GW fairness can be achieved by calculating the ExcessFairshare (weighted fairshare of the left over bandwidth) for each VC. We show how a switch algorithm can be modified to support the GW fairness by using the ExcessFairshare term. We use ERICA+ as an example switch algorithm and show how it can be modified to achieve the GW fairness. For simulations, the weight parameters of the GW fairness are chosen to map a typical pricing policy. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate that, the modified switch algorithm achieves GW fairness. An analytical proof for convergence of the modified ERICA+ algorithm is given in the appendix.

Added 2008-05-12

On efficient on-line grouping of flows with shared bottlenecks at loaded servers

O Younis, S Fahmy

We design an efficient on-line approach, FlowMate, for partitioning flows at a busy server into flow groups that share bottlenecks. These groups are periodically input to congestion coordination, aggregation, load balancing, admission control, or pricing modules. FlowMate uses in-band packet delay measurements to the receivers to determine shared bottlenecks among flows. Packet delay information is piggybacked on returning feedback, or, if impossible, flow (e.g., TCP) round trip time estimates are used. We simulate FlowMate to examine the effect of network load, traffic burstiness, network buffer sizes, and packet drop policies on partitioning correctness. Our results demonstrate accurate partitioning of medium to long-lived flows even under heavy load and self-similar background traffic. Experiments with HTTP/1.1 flows demonstrate difficulties in partitioning bursty foreground traffic. We also study fairness of coordinated congestion management when integrated with FlowMate.

Added 2008-05-12

Path-aware overlay multicast

Minseok Kwon, Sonia Fahmy

We investigate a heuristic application-level (overlay) multicast approach, which we refer to as Topology Aware Grouping (TAG). TAG exploits underlying network topology data to construct overlay multicast networks. Specifically, TAG uses the overlap among routes from the source to group members to construct an efficient overlay network in a distributed, low-overhead manner. We can easily integrate TAG with delay and bandwidth bounds to construct overlays that satisfy application requirements. We study the properties of TAG, and quantify its economies of scale factor, compared to unicast and IP multicast. In addition, we compare TAG with delay-first and bandwidth-first Narada/End System Multicast (ESM) in a variety of simulation configurations. We also implement and experiment with TAG on the PlanetLab wide-area platform. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of our heuristic in reducing delays and duplicate packets, especially when underlying routes are of high quality.

Added 2008-05-12

Dynamics of the "pgmcc" Multicast Conestion Control Protocol

Chin-ying Wang, Sonia Fahmy
Added 2008-05-12

TCP increase/decrease behavior with explicit congestion notification (ECN)

M. Kwon, S. Fahmy

We investigate the effect of TCP explicit congestion notification (ECN) with a new response strategy that is more aggressive in the short term, but preserves TCP long term behavior, without modifying the router marking rate. A less aggressive ECN decrease gives more incentives for end systems to become ECN-compliant, as ECN serves as an early warning sign in this case. Our analysis and simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the new algorithm in improving throughput and reducing fluctuations. We model a multiple bottleneck scenario with various types of traffic, and evaluate the effect of a number of parameters, including TCP flavor, increase/decrease parameters, buffer size, and random early detection (RED) parameters.

Added 2008-05-12

Impact of the Inaccuracy of Distance Prediction Algorithms on Internet Applications-an Analytical and Comparative Study

Rongmei Zhang, Chunqiang Tang, Y. Charlie Hu, Sonia Fahmy, Xiojun Lin
Added 2008-05-12

A Hierarchical Approach to Internet Distance Prediction

Rongmei Zhang, Charlie Hu, Xiaojun Lin, Sonia Fahmy

Internet distance prediction gives pair-wise latency information with limited measurements. Recent studies have revealed that the quality of existing prediction mechanisms from the application perspective is short of satisfactory. In this paper, we explore the root causes and remedies for this problem. Our experience with different landmark selection schemes shows that although selecting nearby landmarks can increase the prediction accuracy for short distances, it can cause the prediction accuracy for longer distances to degrade. Such uneven prediction quality significantly impacts application performance. Instead of trying to select the landmark nodes in some “intelligent” fashion, we propose a hierarchical prediction approach with straightforward landmark selection. Hierarchical prediction utilizes multiple coordinate sets at multiple distance scales, with the “right” scale being chosen for prediction each time. Experiments with Internet measurement datasets show that this hierarchical approach is extremely promising for increasing the accuracy of network distance prediction.

Added 2008-05-12

Synergy: an overlay internetworking architecture

M. Kwon, S. Fahmy

A multitude of overlay network designs for resilient routing, multicasting, quality of service, content distribution, storage, and object location have been recently proposed. Overlay networks offer several attractive features, including ease of deployment, flexibility, adaptivity, and an infrastructure for collaboration among hosts. In this paper, we explore cooperation among co-existing, possibly heterogeneous, overlay networks. We design Synergy, a utility-based overlay internetworking architecture that fosters overlay cooperation. Our architecture promotes fair peering relationships to achieve synergism. Results from Internet experiments with cooperative forwarding overlays indicate that our Synergy prototype improves delay, throughput, and loss performance, while maintaining the autonomy and heterogeneity of individual overlay networks.

Added 2008-05-12

Design and evaluation of an adaptive traffic conditioner fordifferentiated services networks

A. Habib, S. Fahmy, B. Bhargava

We design and evaluate an adaptive traffic conditioner to improve application performance over the differentiated services assured forwarding behavior. The conditioner is adaptive because the marking algorithm changes based upon the current number of flows traversing through an edge router. If there are a small number of flows, the conditioner maintains and uses state information to intelligently protect critical TCP packets. On the other hand, if there are many flows going through the edge router, the conditioner only uses flow characteristics as indicated in the TCP packet headers to mark without requiring per flow state. Simulation results indicate that this adaptive conditioner improves throughput of data extensive applications like large FTP transfers, and achieves low packet delays and response times for Telnet and WWW traffic

Added 2008-05-12

Toward Cooperative Inter-overlay Networks

Minseok Kwon, Sonia Fahmy
Added 2008-05-12

Fair flow control for ATM-ABR multipoint connections

Sonia Fahmy, Raj Jain, Rohit Goyal, Bobby Vandalore

Multipoint-to-multipoint communication can be implemented by combining the point-to-multipoint and multipoint-to-point connection algorithms. In an ATM multipoint-to-point connection, multiple sources send data to the same destination on a shared tree. Traffic from multiple branches is merged into a single stream after every merge point. It is sometimes impossible for the network to determine any source-specific characteristics since all sources in the multipoint connection may use the same connection identifiers. The challenge is to develop a fair rate allocation algorithm without per-source accounting as this is inequivalent to per-connection or per-flow accounting in this case.

We define fairness objectives for multipoint connections, and we design and simulate an O(1) fair ATM-ABR rate allocation scheme for point-to-point and multipoint connections sharing the same links. Simulation results show that the algorithm performs well and exhibits many desirable properties. We list key modifications necessary for any ATM-ABR rate allocation scheme to fairly accommodate multiple sources.

Added 2008-05-12

Benchmarks for DDOS Defense Evaluation

Jelena Mirkovic, Sonia Fahmy, Roshan Thomas, Peter Reiher
Added 2008-05-12