The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

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Bias/Variance Analysis for Relational Domains

J. Neville, D. Jensen

Bias/variance analysis [1] is a useful tool for investigating the performance of machine learning algorithms. Conventional analysis decomposes loss into errors due to aspects of the learning process with an underlying assumption that there is no variation in model predictions due to the inference process used for prediction. This assumption is often violated when collective inference models are used for classification of relational data. In relational data, when there are dependencies among the class labels of related instances, the inferences about one object can be used to improve the inferences about other related objects. Collective inference techniques exploit these dependencies by jointly inferring the class labels in a test set. This approach can produce more accurate predictions than conditional inference for each instance independently, but it also introduces an additional source of error, both through the use of approximate inference algorithms and through variation in the availability of test set information. To date, the impact of inference error on relational model performance has not been investigated.

Added 2008-04-24

A roadmap for comprehensive online privacy policy management

Annie I. Antón, Elisa Bertino, Ninghui Li, Ting Yu

A framework supporting the privacy policy life cycle helps guide the kind of research to consider before sound privacy answers may be realized.

Added 2008-04-24

Safety in automated trust negotiation

William H. Winsborough, Ninghui Li

Exchange of attribute credentials is a means to establish mutual trust between strangers wishing to share resources or conduct business transactions. Automated Trust Negotiation (ATN) is an approach to regulate the exchange of sensitive information during this process. It treats credentials as potentially sensitive resources, access to which is under policy control. Negotiations that correctly enforce policies have been called “safe” in the literature. Prior work on ATN lacks an adequate definition of this safety notion. In large part, this is because fundamental questions such as “what needs to be protected in ATN?” and “what are the security requirements?” are not adequately answered. As a result, many prior methods of ATN have serious security holes. We introduce a formal framework for ATN in which we give precise, usable, and intuitive definitions of correct enforcement of policies in ATN. We argue that our chief safety notion captures intuitive security goals. We give precise comparisons of this notion with two alternative safety notions that may seem intuitive, but that are seen to be inadequate under closer inspection. We prove that an approach to ATN from the literature meets the requirements set forth in the preferred safety definition, thus validating the safety of that approach, as well as the usability of the definition.

Added 2008-04-24

Constraint generation for separation of duty

Hong Chen, Ninghui Li

Separation of Duty (SoD) is widely recognized to be a fundamental principle in computer security. A Static SoD (SSoD) policy states that in order to have all permissions necessary to complete a sensitive task, the cooperation of at least a certain number of users is required. In Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Statically Mutually Exclusive Role (SMER) constraints are used to enforce SSoD policies. This paper studies the problem of generating sets of constraints that (a) enforce a set of SSoD policies, (b) are compatible with the existing role hierarchy, and (c) are minimal in the sense that there is no other constraint set that is less restrictive and satisfies (a) and (b).

Added 2008-04-24

Administration in role-based access control

Ninghui Li, Ziqing Mao

Administration of large-scale RBAC systems is a challenging open problem. We propose a principled approach in designing and analyzing administrative models for RBAC. We identify six design requirements for administrative models of RBAC. These design requirements are motivated by three principles for designing security mechanisms: (1) flexibility and scalability, (2) psychological acceptability, and (3) economy of mechanism. We then use these requirements to analyze several approaches to RBAC administration, including ARBAC97 [21, 23, 22], SARBAC [4, 5], and the RBAC system in the Oracle DBMS. Based on these requirements and the lessons learned in analyzing existing approaches, we design UARBAC, a new family of administrative models for RBAC that has significant advantages over existing models.

Added 2008-04-24

A formal semantics for P3P

Ting Yu, Ninghui Li, Annie I. Antón

The Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P), developed by the W3C, provides an XML-based language for websites to encode their data-collection and data-use practices in a machine-readable form. To fully deploy P3P in enterprise information systems and over the Web, a well-defined semantics for P3P policies is a must, which is lacking in the current P3P framework. Without a formal semantics, a P3P policy may be semantically inconsistent and may be interpreted and represented differently by different user agents; it is difficult to determine whether a P3P policy is indeed enforced by an enterprise; and privacy policies from different corporations cannot be formally compared before information exchange. In this paper, we propose a relational formal semantics for P3P policies, which precisely and intuitively models the relationships between different components of P3P statements (i.e., collected data items, purposes, recipients and retentions) during online information collection.The proposed formal semantics is an important step towards improving P3P, making it more appropriate to be integrated with business practice and ultimately accelerating the large-scale adoption of P3P across the Internet.

Added 2008-04-24

Achieving privacy in mesh networks

Xiaoxin Wu, Ninghui Li

Mesh network is vulnerable to privacy attacks because of the open medium property of wireless channel, the fixed topology, and the limited network size. Traditional anonymous routing algorithm cannot be directly applied to Mesh network, because they do not defend global attackers. In this paper we design private routing algorithm that used “Onion”, i.e., layered encryption, to hide routing information. In addition, we explore special ring topology that fits the investigated network scenario, to preserve a certain level of privacy against a global adversary.

Added 2008-04-24

On mutually exclusive roles and separation-of-duty

Ninghui Li, Mahesh V. Tripunitara, Ziad Bizri

Separation-of-duty (SoD) is widely considered to be a fundamental principle in computer security. A static SoD (SSoD) policy states that in order to have all permissions necessary to complete a sensitive task, the cooperation of at least a certain number of users is required. Role-based access control (RBAC) is today’s dominant access-control model. It is widely believed that one of RBAC’s main strengths is that it enables the use of constraints to support policies, such as separation-of-duty. In the literature on RBAC, statically mutually exclusive roles (SMER) constraints are used to enforce SSoD policies. In this paper, we formulate and study fundamental computational problems related to the use of SMER constraints to enforce SSoD policies. We show that directly enforcing SSoD policies is intractable (coNP-complete), while checking whether an RBAC state satisfies a set of SMER constraints is efficient; however, verifying whether a given set of SMER constraints enforces an SSoD policy is also intractable (coNP-complete). We discuss the implications of these results. We show also how to generate SMER constraints that are as accurate as possible for enforcing an SSoD policy.

Added 2008-04-24

Achieving K-anonymity in mobile ad hoc networks

Elisa Bertino, Xiaoxin Wu

A zone-based K-anonymity routing protocol is proposed and investigated, the goal of which is to achieve destination anonymity in positioning routing algorithms. Under this protocol, the source sends the data to an anonymity zone, where the destination node and a number of other nodes are located. The data is flooded within the anonymity zone so that to a tracer is not able to guess which is the destination node. The paper presents the details of the protocol design and proposes two approaches for anonymity zone management. In particular, we have found out that initially setting anonymity zone large can help to meet the destination anonymity requirement for longer time at a relatively low control overhead.

Added 2008-04-23

Access Control and Privacy in Location-Aware Services forMobile Organizations

Elisa Bertino, Maria Luisa Damiani

In mobile organizations such as enterprises operating on field, healthcare organizations and military and civilian coalitions, individuals, because of the role they have, may need to access common information resources through location-aware applications. To enable a controlled and privacy preserving access to such applications, a comprehensive conceptual framework for an access control system enhanced with location privacy is presented.

Added 2008-04-23

Data security in location-aware applications: an approach based on RBAC

Elisa Bertino, M.L. Damiani, P. Perlasca

Data security in a mobile context is a critical issue. Over the last few years a new category of location-based services, the Enterprise LBS (ELBS), has emerged focusing on the demands of mobility in organisations. These applications pose challenging requirements, including the need of selective access to ELBS based on the position of mobile users and spatially bounded organisational roles. To deal with these requirements a novel access control system, named GEO-RBAC, has been developed. GEO-RBAC extends the NIST RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) standard with the notions of spatial role, role-dependent position, role schema and role instance. Further, roles become enabled/disabled based on the position of the user. In the paper we present GEO-RBAC, a full-fledged RBAC-based model, consisting, like RBAC, of three distinct components: the Core GEO-RBAC, the Hierarchical GEO-RBAC and the Constrained GEO-RBAC. The paper focuses on the innovative aspects that have been introduced in the model to account for the spatial dimension. Further, a rigorous specification of the model (reference model) is presented.

Added 2008-04-23

Access control for XML documents and data

Elisa Bertino, Barbara Carminati, Elena Ferrari

Protecting data over the web is today a crucial need for many companies and organizations. This requires not only the use of cryptographic and digital signature techniques for protecting data during transmission, but also the development of suitable access control models and mechanisms able to support the specification and enforcement of a variety of access control policies. In this paper, we first discuss which are the main access control requirements for web data, and compare some of the most important research proposals with respect to these requirements. We then present Author-X [6] as an example of comprehensive system for controlling access to web data.

Added 2008-04-23

Beyond k-Anonymity: A Decision Theoretic Framework for Assessing Privacy Risk

Elisa Bertino, Guy Lebanon, Monica Scannapieco, Mohamed R. Fouad

An important issue any organization or individual has to face when managing data containing sensitive information, is the risk that can be incurred when releasing such data. Even though data may be sanitized, before being released, it is still possible for an adversary to reconstruct the original data by using additional information that may be available, for example, from other data sources. To date, however, no comprehensive approach exists to quantify such risks. In this paper we develop a framework, based on statistical decision theory, to assess the relationship between the disclosed data and the resulting privacy risk. We relate our framework with the k-anonymity disclosure method; we make the assumptions behind k-anonymity explicit, quantify them, and extend them in several natural directions.

Added 2008-04-23

Data dissemination on the web

Elisa Bertino, K. Ramamritham
Added 2008-04-23

Traceable and Automatic Compliance of Privacy Policies in Federated Digital Identity Management

Elisa Bertino, Anna Squicciarini, Abhilasha Bhargav-Spantzel, Alexei Czeskis

Digital identity is defined as the digital representation of the information known about a specific individual or organization. An emerging approach for protecting identities of individuals while at the same time enhancing user convenience is to focus on inter-organization management of identity information. This is referred to as federated identity management. In this paper we develop an approach to support privacy controlled sharing of identity attributes and harmonization of privacy policies in federated environments. Policy harmonizations mechanisms make it possible to determine whether or not the transfer of identity attributes from one entity to another violate the privacy policies stated by the former. We also provide mechanisms for tracing the release of user’s identity attributes within the federation. Such approach entails a form of accountability since an entity non-compliant with the users original privacy preferences can be identified. Finally, a comprehensive security analysis details security properties is also offered.

Added 2008-04-23