The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

An Evening with Berferd In Which a Cracker is Lured, Endured, and Studied


Bill Cheswick

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On 7 January 1991 a cracker, believing he had discovered the famous sendmail DEBUG hole in our Internet gateway machine, attempted to obtain a copy of our password file. I sent him one. For several months we led this cracker on a merry chase in order to trace his location and learn his techniques. This paper is a chronical of the cracker's "success" and disappointments, the bait and traps used to lure and detect him, and the chroot "Jail" we built to watch his activities. We concluded that our cracker had a lot of time and persistence, and a good list of




AT&T Bell Laboratories

Key alpha


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