The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Asynchronous Optimistic Rollback Recovery Using Secure Distributed Time


Sean W. Smith,David B. Johnson,J.D. Tygar

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In an asynchronous distributed computation, processes may fail and restart from saved state. A protocol for "optimistic rollback recovery" must recover the sytem when other processes may depend on lost states at failed processes. Previous work has used forms of partial order clocks to track potential causality. Our research addresses two crucial short- comings: the rollback problem also involves tracking a second level of partial order time (potential knowledge of failures and rollbacks), and protocols based on partial order clocks are open to inherent security and privacy risks. We have developed a "distributed time" framework that provides the tools for multiple levels of time abstraction, and for identifying and solving the corresponding security and privacy risks. This paper applies our framework to the rollback problem. We derive a new optimistic rollback recovery protocol that provides "completely asynchronous" recovery (thus directly supporting concurrent recovery and tolerating network partitions) and that enables processes to take full advantage of their maximum potential knowledge of orphans (thus reducing the worst case bound on asynchronous recovery after a single failure from exponetial to at most one rollback per process). By explicitly tracking and utilizing both levels of partial order time, our protocol substantially improves on previous work in optimistic recovery. Our work also provides a foundation for incorporating security and privacy in optimistic rollback recovery.


1994 – March


Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Carnegie Mellon University

Key alpha


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