The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Risk Management & Corporate Security: A Viable Leadership And Business Solution Design To Enhance Corporations In The Emerging Marketplace


Scott Hill,Martin Smith

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In an age of expensive resources and technology, and the unique complexities brought about by the emerging markets, organizations share a common need and responsibility to manage those threats that impact on the operation of the business and profitablility. Inferably, when analysing threats to business in terms of a Risk Evaluation Framework, risk management and corporate security are similar in that each is concerned with the protection and conservation of corporate assets and resources. Whether it be proliferation of unfriendly acquisitions, domestic and international vulnerablility analysis and risk assessment, review of corporate security programmes and surveys, or disaster planning, disaster recovery, and continuity of operations, the need remains the same - security and managment of risks. While security has so often been an after thought, or rather a retrofit or 'quickfix', today's insight of security involves sophistication, early product and business design, and a particular technical application never before realized. This article is an attempt to prove that today's all encompassing corporate security process exsists as an essential element of the total risk management function.




New York, NY 10010


Elsevier Science Publishing Co. Inc.


Computers & Security

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