The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Developing Secure Objects


Deborah Frincke

Entry type



Distributed object systems are increasingly popular, and considerable effort is being expended to develop standards for interaction between objects. Some high-level requirements for secure distributed object interactions have been identified. However, there are no guidelines for developing the secure objects themselves. Some aspects of object-oriented design do not translate directly to traditional methods of developing secure systems. In this paper, we identify features of object oriented design that affect secure system development. In addition, we explore ways to derive security, and provide techniques for developing secure COTS libraries with easily modifiable security policies.


Baltimore, MD

Key alpha



Published in the 19th National Information Systems Security Conference (Oct 22 - 25)

Publication Date



Object-oriented design, development, security policy, COTS

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