The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

A Demand-Driven Analyzer for Data Flow Testing at the Integration Level


Evelyn Duesterwald,Rajiv Gupta,Mary Lou Soffa

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Data flow relies on static analysis for computing the def-use pairs that serve as the test case requirements for a program. When testing large programs, the individual procedures are first tested in isolation during unit testing. Integration testing is performed to specifically test the procedure interfaces. The procedures in a program are integrated and tested in several steps. Since each integration step requires data flow analysis to determine the new test requirements, the accumulated cost of repeatedly analyzing a program can considerably contribute to the overhead of testing. Data flow analysis is typically computed using an exhaustive approach or by using incremental data flow updates. This paper presents a new and more efficient approach to data flow integration testing that is based on demand-driven analysis. We developed an implemented a demand-driven analyzer and experimentally compared its performance of (i) a traditional exhaustive analyzer and (ii) an incremental analyzer. Our experiments show that demand-driven analysis is faster that exhaustive analysis by up to a factor of 25. The demand-driven analyzer also outperforms the incremental analyzer by up to a factor of 5.


Pittsburgh, PA 15260


Department of Computer Science, U. of Pittsburgh


Proceedings of ICSE-18

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