The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

An Evaluation of Software Test Environment Architectures


Nancy S. Eickelmann,Debra J. Richardson

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Software Test Environments (STEs) provide a means of automating the test process and integrating testing tools to support required testing capabilities across the test process. Specifically, STEs may support test planning, test management, test measurement, test failure analysis, test development, and tests execution. The software architechture of an STE describes the allocation of the environment's functions to specific implementation structures. An STE's architecture can facilitate or impede modifications such as changes to processing algorithms, data representation, or functionality. Performance and reusability are also subject to architecturally imposed constraints. Evaluation of an STE's architecture can provide insight into modifiability, extensibility, portability and reusability of the STE. This paper proposes a reference architecture for STEs. Its analytical value is demonstrated by using SAAM (Software Architectural Analysis Method) to compare three software test environments: PROTest II (Prolog Test Environment, Version II), TAOS (Testing with Analysis and Oracle support), and CITE (CONVEX Integrated Test Environ- ment).




IEEE Proceedings of ICSE-18

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