The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

SAINT: A Security Analysis Integration Tool


Diego M. Zamboni

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This paper presents the design of SAINT, a tool being developed at the National Autonomous University of Mexico that will allow integrated analysis of information gathered from various sources, such as security tools and system logs. By simulating events occuring in the system, and collected from the different sources, SATAN will allow dectection, or even prevention of problems that may otherwise go undectected due to lack of information about them in any single place. SATAN's modular and extensible architecture make it feasible to add new modules for processing new data types, detecting new kinds of problems, or presenting the results in different formats.


1996 – May


Proceedings of the 1996 SANS (Sys. Admin. Net.& Sec.)

Key alpha


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