The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

REFEREE: Trust Management for Web Applications


Yang-Hua Chu,Joan Feigenbaum,Brian LaMacchia,Paul Resnick,Martin Strauss

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Digital signatures provide a mechanism for guaranteeing integrity and authenticity of Web content but not more general notions of security or trust. Web-aware applications must permit users to state clearly their own security policies and, of course, must provide the cryptographic tools for manipulating digital signatures. This paper describes the REFEREE trust management system for Web applications; REFEREE provides both a general policy-evaluation mechanism for Web clients and servers and a language for specifying trust policies. REFEREE places all trust decisions under explicit policy control; in the REFEREE model, every action, including evaluation of compliance with policy, happens under the control of some policy. That is, REFEREE is a system for writing policies about policies, as well as policies about cryptographic keys, PICS label bureaus, cerification authorities, trust delegation, or anything else. In this paper, we flesh out the need for 'trust management' in Web applications, explain the design philosophy of the REFEREE trust management system, and describe a prototype implementation of REFEREE.

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