The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Network Working Group


Braden, Clark, Crooker, Huitema

Entry type



This document is a report on an Internet architecture workshop, initiated by the IAB and held at USC Information Sciences Institute on Feb 8-10, 1994. This workshop generally focused on security issues in the Internet architecture. This document should be regarded as a set of working notes containing ideas about security that were developed by Internet experts in a broad spectrum of areas, including routing, mobility, realtime service, and provider requirements, as well as security. It contains some significant diversity of opinions on some important issues. This memo is offered as one input in the process of developling viable security mechanisms and procedures for the Internet.


1994 – February

Key alpha


Publication Date



A hard-copy of this is in the Papers Cabinet

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