The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Preserving Integrity in Remote File Location and Retrieval


Trent Jaeger,Aviel D. Rubin

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We present a service for locating and retrieving files from an untrusted network such that the integrity of the retrieved files can be verified. This service enables groups of people in geographically remote locations to share files using an untrusted network. For example, distribution of an organization's software to all the organization's sites can be accomplished using the service. Distribution of files in an untrusted network is complicated by two issues: (1) location of files and (2) verification of file integrity. Ftp and World-Wide-Web (WWW) services require some user intervention to locat a file, so they cannot be embedded in automated systems. Distributed systems have mechanisms for automated file location and retrieval, but they require trust in all system principals and do not provide an appropriate balance between availability of files and retrieval cost for our applications. Verification of the integrity of a file retrieved from an untrusted network is necessary because the file is subject to malicious modification attacks. Our service provides the capability to automatically locate, retrieve, and verify files specified by a client using a single trusted principal. We demonstrate our service by building a system when needed.

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Digital signatures, cryptographic digests, remote procedure calls, wide-area network file,location, trusted authorities, C-shells

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