The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

SEI Program Plans: 1996-2000 (Volume 2)


Carnegie-Mellon University Software Engineering Institute

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This document, which is in two volumes, presents the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) strategy and one-year implementation plan for calendar year (CY) 1996, together with the SEI five-year program plan. It is submitted in response to the Contract Data Requirements list item A001. Volume 1 describes the five-year strategic plan, and Volume 2 describes the one-year tactical plan. This document is, in essence, a proposal. It describes the strategic directions and offers detailed options for the coming year. Until the proposed options are selected and budgeted allocations are approved by the sponsor, the SEI can not commit to specific work or supporting schedules.


1995 – July


Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Carnegie-Mellon University Software Engineering Institute

Key alpha


Publication Date



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