The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Intrusion Tolerance in Distributed Computing Systems


Yves Deswarte,Laurent Blain,Jean-Charles Fabre

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An intrusion-tolerant distributed system is a system which is designed so that any intrusion into a part of the system will not endanger confidentiality, integrity and availability. This approach is suitable for distributed systems, because distribution enables isolation of elements so that an intrusion gives physical access to only a part of the system. By intrusion, we mean not only computer break-ins by non-registered people, but also attemps by registered users to exceed or to abuse their privileges. In particular, possible malice of security administrators is taken into account. This paper describes how some functions of distributed systems can be designed to tolerate intrusions, in particular security functions such as user authentication and authorization, and application functions such as file management.


1991 – May


31077 Toulouse France


IEEE Computer Society Press

Key alpha


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