The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Grand Challenges


J. M. Cornwall,A. Despain,S. Drell,F. Dyson,S. Flatte,R. Garwin,M. Goldberger,W. Happer,R. Henderson,S. Koonin,N. Lewis,M. Ruderman,S. Treiman,E. Williams

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For the 1996 Summer Study, JASON was asked to come up with ideas that DARPA might issue to the world as Grand Challenges-ideas needing substantial technological innovation, requiring years to bring to fruition, but not simply massive engineering projects, which would have real impact on the future. We quote from the informal guidance JASON received from DARPA: "The idea is to come up with a problem that is especially concise in description and especially rich in challenge. It should have a certain frivolity so as not to be too applied but ye not silly. For instance, the mechanical hummingbird is a good example...In each case the solution requires as much clevernes as science..these challenges (should) also yield value far beyond the solution of the specific problem. These should not be like high-performance computing or human genome or going to the moon or cure for HIV. Those are initiatives-big, important, multidisciplinary..directed effort problems." In this report, we discuss briefly a number of ideas for Grand Challenges, in some cases going into a moderate amount of detail. We cannot furnish the actual solutions; if we could, the ideas would not qualify as the kind of challenge we seek. But what we now know and given a certain amount of cleverness, insight, and hard work.


McLean, Virgina 22102-3481


The MITRE Corporation

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