The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Goal Security Architecture (DGSA)


Department Of Defense (DoD)

Entry type



The Defense Information Systems Security Program (DISSP) was initiated at the request of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Communications and Intelligence). The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) agree to cooperate in achieving eight security objectives. These objectives were in the areas of: Security policy Architecture Standards and Protocols Accreditation Procedures Technology Transition Planning Organizational Improvement Products and Services Availability Accordingly, a DISSP Office was established and among its responsibilities was the development of the Department of Defense (DoD) Goal Security Architecture (DGSA). The DISSP has since become a part of the Center for Information System Security (CISS) in DISA. The CISS assists DoD organizations in the transition of exsisting systems, and in the development of new systems in accordance with the DGSA. Concurrent with the develpment of the DGSA, efforts were underway within the DISA to define information system archtectures for the Defense Information System (DIS). These efforts focused under the Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management (TAFIM). The TAFIM is intended to be generic and sufficiently flexible in its definition so that specific systems may be developed or modified to satisfy mission goals. The TAFIM is thereby a "goal information system architecture" and has, as Volume 6, incorporated teh DGSA as its "goal security archtecture".


1995 – September – 30


Department of Defense


Department of Defense

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