The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

A Case Study Of Evaluating Security In An Open Systems Environment


Daniel Tobat,Errol S Weiss

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The goal of this paper is to describe a case study of a computer security evaluations effort conducted on a system known as the Office Automation Network (OAN). The OAN is representative of many of today's networked systems by being a heterogeneous mix of system components connected to open systems such as the Internet. The OAN differs from the typical systems in that security was a design and implementation objective, and that it was subjected to an extensive six month evalutation effort by an experienced vulnerablility testing team. The vulnerablility testing yielded some surprising results which demostrated that it is possible in today's environment to have an Automated Information System (AIS) connected to open systems such as the Internet and still have an effective security posture.




19th NISSC Precedings 1996

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