The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Reliable Scheduling of Database Transactions


Marc H. Graham,Nancy Griffeth,Barbara Smith-Thomas

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A database transaction is usually required to have an "all-or-none" property, that is, either all of its changes to the database are installed in the database or none of them are. This property can be violated by a hardware or software failure occurring in the middle of the execution of a transaction or even by a decision to abort a transaction to avoid an inconsistent (non-serializable) schedule. In such a situation, we must recover from the failure by restoring the database to a state in which the failed transaction never executed. The idea of "recoverable schedules" was defined in [H83]. In a recoverable schedule, a transaction does not commit until there is no possibility that it will be rolled back. If the underlying hardware or software is unreliable, this much not occure until all transactions which have written values read by the transaction have themselves committed.


1983 – October


Atlanta, GA 30332


Georgia Institute of Technology

Key alpha


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