The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

International Intrusion: Motives and Patterns


Kent E Anderson

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Current investigations into computer intrusions usually focus on individual systems and geographically localized incidents. However, in reality, many intrusions are interrelated and international in scope. To better protect systems, intrusions must be understood in their proper context; not in the isolated focus of a single incident. Key to a global understanding of these threats is classifying the various motives of individuals and groups involved. When incidents are investigated in their global context, it is possible to analyze the dynamics and patterns of interrelated incidents previously misunderstood or ignored. This paper will summarize the author's investigations of international intrusions during the last eight years to present a classification model of attributes and motives displayed by intruders, and explain common patterns of activities. Finally, current technical trends are considered in order to understand potential future risks.


1994 – May




Proceedings of the 1994 Bellcore/Bell South Security Symposium

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