The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Securing Data Transfer In Asynchronous Transfer Mode Networks


Robert H. Deng,Aurel A. Lazar

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Asynchonous Transfer Mode (ATM), which can provide integrated services of various media types and bit rates, is rapidly becoming the dominant technology for local and wide area information transport. In this paper we present a network security architecture for secure data transfer in ATM networks. The proposed architecture facilitaes seamless integration of security services into the existing ATM architecture and confirms to the ATM B-ISDN PRM: security related signaling functionality, such as mutual end system authentication, establishment of security associations, and cryptographic key distributions are carried out in the control plane, while protection of traffic is achieved by defining a Data Protection Layer in the user plane.

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