The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Preliminary report on Advanced Security Audit Trail Analysis on unix (ASAX also called SAT-X)


Naji Habra,Baudouin Le Charlier,Abdelaziz Mounji,Isabelle Mathieu

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The ASAX project is a joint project involving SWN in Rhines and the Institute d'Informatique (FUNDP) in Namur. This project aims at defining and implementing a commercial system for universal, efficient and powerful audit trail analysis corresponding to security level B3. However, implementation of a commercial system is only a middle term objective. In the short term it has been decided to specify, design and implement a prototype version of the system. This prototype version will be satisfactory only if it demostrates the feasiblility of these main features of the system: universality, efficiency and power. Therefore we will concentrate on the essential aspects leaving out aspects like user friendly interfaces, many data types handling,...


1994 – September

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