The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Property of Audit Trail


Anders Tallberg

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This paper builds upon and extends Weber's (1982) pioneering analysis of the concept of an audit trail, incorporating recent developments from the fields of computer security and temporal modeling in databases. A review of current usage suggests that the term audit trail is being used in two distinct senses: as meaning an abstract property of an accounting information system and as meaning a concrete log file. The various kinds and purposes of log files are analyzed, and a classification system is proposed. The more general audit trail concept is then discussed. A definition of the property of audit trail which captures the notion behind its use in current literature is proposed. It is shown that the various categories of information that are found in log files can be explained in terms of this definition, but that the property of audit trail does not intrinsically require the use of any log files. The "loss" of the audit trail brought about by the move from manual accounting systems to computer-based ones, and from register-orientated designs to database systems, is discussed and a description of the nature of the change is proposed.



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Auditing, EDP Auditing, Internal Control, Computer Security


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