The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

svr4++, A Commone Audit Trail Interchange Format For Unix Version 2.2


Stephen E. Smaha

Entry type



Developers of audit trail analysis tools need a data interchange format to allow sharing audit trail information from different operating sytems. We wanted an audit data interchange format to provide interoperability of intrusion and misuse detection tools and to facilitate cooperative work involving audit trail analysis, especially for the detection of intrusions and other misuses. While the general case of this problem is very difficult (to convert from IBM MVS SMF records to SunOS Basic Security Module data, for example), it is much more feasible to define a common record format across those Unix versions that support auditing at least at the NCSC C2 level. This document describes the format we have developed. Our internal name for this format is "svr4++".


1994 – October


Austin, TX 78726


Haystack Laboratories Inc.

Key alpha


Publication Date



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