The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Traditional Capability-Based Systems: An Analysis of Their Ability to Meet the Trusted Computer Security Evaluation Criteria


V. D. Gligor,J. C. Huskamp,S. R. Welke,C. J. Linn,W. T. Mayfield

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This paper, through the use of a "traditional" capability-based system model, is intended to clarify the role of capabilities in supporting different security policies. In particular, the ability of these "traditional" systems to meet the Trusted Computer Security Evaluation Criteria [TCSEC83] is analyzed. The paper is further intended to be used as a background reference by the National Computer Security Center (NCSC) Product Evaluation Teams when they are involved in the evaluation of new capability-based products. The authors have assumed that the readers of this paper are computer professionals (e.g., NCSC Product Evaluation Team members or designers of computer operating systems) who are well versed in data structures, operating system principles, and operating system architectures, and who are also relatively familiar with security concepts and models. Virgil Gligor from the University of Maryland served as principal researcher. Many other individuals also have contributed to the production of this paper. We wish to acknowledge the assistance of Dan Nesset, Lawrence Livermore Labs; Richard Kain, University of Minnesota; Norman Hardy, Susan Rajunas, et. al., of Keylogic, Inc.; and Roger Schell of Gemini Computers, Inc., for their thorough review and critique of the initial drafts of this paper. Their comments helped significantly in providing better focus and presentation of the material. The authors, however, remain responsible for the accuracy and appropriateness of this final version.


1987 – February


Alexandria, VA 22311-1772


Institute For Defense Analysis


Institute For Defense Analysis

Key alpha




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