The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Compiler-Integrated Support for Structural and Fault-Based Software Testing


E. W. Krauser

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Despite the application of rigorous development methodologies, program errors are generally regarded as a fundamental phenomenon in sufficiently complex software systems. Yet, computer software is employed to control larger, more complex, more potentially dangerous systems than ever before. Ensuring that these software systems function correctly is a vital concern. A large class of well-known software testing techniques require information attained by executing the program under test. We are interested in those techniques that monitor and/or modify the internal behavior of the executing program. This work proposes new methods to efficiently and effectively support these techniques while executing programs in their target run-time environment. Consequently, we are concerned with machine executable programs and our approach is compiler-based. This approach, as opposed to more traditional interpreter-based approaches, will afford a significant increase execution speed during software testing, increased confidence in the accuracy of a software test, and a new set of capabilities with which to test software. It is hoped that, as a result, current state-of the-art structural and fault-based testing techniques will become significantly more cost-effective and attractive as a means to test real, production software systems.


West Lafayette, IN 47907-1398


Computer Science Department

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