The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

A Grammar Based Fault Classification Scheme and its Application to the Classification of the Errors of TEX


R.A. Demillo,A.P. Mathur

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We Present a novel scheme for categorizing coding faults. Our grammar based acheme uses the notion of syntactic transformers and is automatable. The classification that results from our scheme can be used by researchers investigatin the effectiveness of software testing techniques. In these respects our scheme is significantly different from several proposed in the past by other researchers. We haveused it to categorize the ten year log of errorsof TEX reported by Knuth. For each fault classified, we also provide, whereever possible, the precise substring that constitutes the fault . The entire error log and the associated program is in public domain and hence our categorization can be verified. We also provide a fault classification algorithm that uses top-down strategy to find differences between the two parse trees, annotated with syntatic transformers, to classify various faults. We claim that such an algorithm ca be integrated within a software developement enviroment and used as a low cost mechanism for monitoring and classifying faults.


1995 – September


West Lafayette, IN


Software Engineering Research Center

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