The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Software Deviation Analysis: A "Safeware Technique"


J.D. Reese,N.G. Leveson

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Standard safety analysis techniques are often ineffective when computers and digital devices are integrated into plant control. The "Safeware" methodologyand its set of supporting safety analysis techniques (and prototype tools) includes modeling and hazard analysis of complex systems where components may be a mixture of humans, hardware and software. This paper describes one of the Safeware hazard analysis techniques, Software deviation analysis, that incorporates beneficial features such as HAZOPS (such as guidewords, deviations, exploratory analysis, and a systems engineering approach) into an automated procedure that is capable of hadling the complexity and logical nature of computer software.


Everett, EA 98203


University of Washington

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