The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Maintenance Testing for the Data Encryption Standard


Jason Gait

Entry type



This publication describes the design of four maintenance tests for the Federal Information Processing Data Encryption Standard (DES). The tests consist of an iterative procedure that tests the operation of DES devices by using a small program and minimum data. The tests are designed to be independent of implementation and to be fast enough to test devices during actual operation. The tests are defined as four specific stopping points in a general testing process and satisfy four testing requirements of increasing degree of completeness depending on the throughness of testing desired.

Key alpha



U.S. Department of Commerce

Publication Date



1. Introduction....1 1.1 Validation vs. Maintenance Testing....2 1.2 The Maintenance Tests....3 1.3 The Values for the Parameters of the Test....6 2. Description of the DES Algorithm....6 2.1 The Permutations and E Operator....7 2.2 The S-boxes....7 2.3 The Key Schedule...8 2.4 Maintaining the Corectness of DES Devices...8 2.4.1 DES Tests 2.4.2 Relationship to Validation Tests...9 3. Testing Philosophy...9 3.1 Stuck-Faults in Cipher Feedback Mode...9 3.2 Generating the Pseudo-random Tests...10 3.3 Description of Tests 4. Summary and Conclusions...12 5. Appendix A: The DES ALgorithm SPecification...14 6. Appendix B: The Gram-Schmidt Algorithm...19 7. Appendix C: Pseudo-random Testing of Linear Devices...21


Communications sceurity, computer security, cryptography, data encryption standard, in-service testing, maintenance tests, Monte-Carlo testing, stuck-fault testing, test cases




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Communications security

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