The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Computer Security Considerations in Federal Procurements: A Guide for Procurement Initiators, Contrctng Officers, and Computer Security Officials


Barbara Guttman

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Computers and information play an increasingly important role in modern society. More people use computers, more informaion is processed and stored by them, aadn our nation\'s dependence on computers continues to grow. Therefore, it is essential to protect computers and the informationtghey contain. From a practical stand poiny, computer viruses white-collar crime, theft of hardware and software, unauthorized acces to data, and damage and destruction of computer systems by people or nature are real threats. COmputer security shows its worth in preventing loss or harm. The meaning of terms like \"appropriate and cost-effective safeguards\" are truely appreciated when explaining how a loss was or was not prevented. Due to vital need to protect computer systems, the National Insttute of Standards and Technology (NIST) povides standards and guidelines on many asoects of computer security. This document addresses the specific issue of including computer security requirements in federal information processing (FIP) procurements. A NIST-sponsored working group of government and industry representatives in computer security, information management, and FIP procurement helped to develp this document.



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U.S. Governmet Printing Office

Publication Date





I. Introduction II. Background III. Incorporating Copmuter Security inoto the Oricurement Cycle IV. Specifications, CLauses, Tasks, and Deliverable




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