The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

An Introduction to Computer Security: The NIST Handbook


barbara Guttman, Edward A. Roback

Entry type



this handbook provides assistance in securing computer-based resources (including hardware, software, and information) by explaining important concepts, cost considerations, and interrelationships of security controls. It illustrates the benefits of security controls, the major techniques or approaches for each control, and important related considerations. The handbook provides a broad overview of computer security to help readers understand their computer security needs and develop a sound approach to the selection of appropriate security controls. It does not describe detailed steps necessary to implement a computer security program,provide detailed implementation procedures for security controls, or give guidance for auditing the security of specific systems. General references are provided at teh end of this chapter, and references of \"how-to\" books and articls are provided at the end of each chapter in Part II, II, and IV. the purpose of this handbook is not to specify requirements but, rather, to discuss the benefits of various computer security controls and situations in which their application may be appropriate. SOme requirements for federal systems are noted in the text. Thsi document provides advice and guidance; no penaltie are stipulated.





Key alpha



U.S. Government Prinitng Office

Publication Date





1. Introduction 2. Elements of Computer Security 3. Roles and Responsibilities 4. Common Threats: A Brief Overview 5. Computer Security Policy 6. COmputer Security Program Management 7. Copmuter Security risk management 8. Security and Planning in the Computer System Life Cycle 9. Assurance 10. Personnel/User Issues 11. Preparing for Contingencies and Disasters 12. Computer Security Incident Handling 13. Awareness, Training, and Education 14. Security Considerations in Computer Support Operations 15. Physical and Environmental Security 16. Identification and Authentication 17. Logical Access Control 18. Audit Trails 19. Cryptography 20. Assessing and Mitigating the Risks to a Hypothetical Computer System






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Computer security

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