The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Sample Statements of Work for Federal Computer Security Services: For use In-House or Contracting Out


Dennis Gilbert, Nickilyn Lynch, ed.

Entry type



Each federal organization is fully responsible for its copmuter security program whether the security program is performed by in-house staff or contracted out. Time constraints, budget constraints, availability or expertise of staff, and the potential knowledge to be gained by the organization from an experienced contractor are among the reasons a federal organization may wish to get external assistance for some of these complex, labor intensive activities.


1991 – December

Key alpha

Gilbert, Lynch

Publication Date



I. Introduction II. Computer Security Program Management III. Application Security IV. Installation Security V. Computer Security Incident Response VI. Computer Security Incident Response




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