The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

On the Use of Software Artifacts to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Mutation Analysis for Detecting Errors in Production Software


Richard A. DeMillo, Aditya P. Mathur

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We show how mutation testing can be used to detect simple and complex errors that are often found in production software. We present a classification of the errors of TEX reported by Knuth. Using this classification we show that indeed the simple errors that mutation models do form a significant percentage of the errors found in production software. We introduce the notion of an \'error revealing\' mutant and show how such mutants, created by simple alterations of the program under test, can expose complex errors. We use the data provided by Knuth to obtain the types of complex errors used in our examples.

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Software Engineering Research Center




Purdue University

Publication Date



1 Introduction................................4 2. Mutation Analysis and Error Detection....................................7 2.1 Error detection.................9 2.2 On the triviality of errors..................................11 2.3 The fault set and errors..................................13 2.4 Types of mutants..... 13 3. Classification of the Errors of TEX........................................15 3.1 Error modeling and simple errors.....................15 3.2 Complex errors.............16 3.3 Unclassifiable entries.................................18 3.4 Ambiguity in error classifiction........................19 3.5 Summary of the errors of TEX..................................19 4. Detecting Errors Using Mutation....................................19 4.1 Detecting simple errors..................................21 4.2 Detecting missing conditions..........................22 4.3 Detecting missing assignments.....................25 4.4 Detecting errors in algorithms..........................27 5. Concluding Remarks


error detection, TEX, mutation




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error detection throught mutation

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