The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Security Analysis and Enhancements of Computer Operating Systems


R. P. Abbott, J. S. Chin, J. E. Donnelley, W. L. Konigsford, S. Tokubo, D. A. Webb

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The protection of computer resources, data of value, and individual privacy has motivted a concern for security of EDP installations, especially of the operating systems. In this report, three commercial operating systems are analyzed and security enhancements suggested. Because of the similarity of operating systems and their security problems, specific security flaws are formally classified according to a taxonomy developed here. This classification leads to a clearer understanding of security flaws and aids in analyzing new systems. The discussions of security flaws and the security enhancements offer a starting reference for planning a security investigation of an EDP installation\'s operating system.

Key alpha



U.S. Department of Commerce




Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology

Publication Date



Abstract..........................................1 1. An Overview..............................1 1.1 Motivation for Enhancing Security.................................2 1.2 Technical Issues in Enhancing Security.............3 1.3 Operating System Security within Total EDP Protection.............................4 1.4 An Example of a Security Flaw........................5 2. Security Enhancements of Operating Systems...................6 2.1 Detection Controls..........6 2.2 Corrective-Preventive Controls................................7 a. Hardware......................7 b. Software........................8 c. User Action...................9 d. Administrative- Physical........................10 3. Taxonomy of Integrity Flaws........................................10 3.1 Introduction....................10 3.2 Taxonomy of Integrity Flaws..................................10 3.3 Class of User................11 a. Application Users......11 b. Service Users............12 c. Intruder........................12 3.4 Class of Integrity Flaw.....................................12 3.5 Class of Resource.......12 3.6 Category of Method.......13 3.7 Category of Exploitation........................13 3.8 Detailed Description of Operating System Security Flaws..................................13 a. Incomplete Parameter Validation.....................14 b. Inconsistent Parameter Validaiton.....................16 c. Implicit Sharing of Privileged/Confidential Data...............................17 d. Asynchronous Validation/Inadequate Serializaition.................19 e. Inadequate Ident- ification/Authorization/ Authentication...............22 f. Violable Prohibition/ Limit...............................23 g. Exploitable Logic Error................................23 4. IBM OS/MVT............................26 4.1 Introduction....................26 4.2 Overview of OS/MVT History.................................27 4.3 IBM/360 and OS/MVT Prevention Concepts.......28 a. Hardware Isolation Features.......................28 b. Control Access Features.......................28 c. Integrity Monitoring and Surviellance.........29 4.4 Summary........................29 4.5 Operating System Integrity Flaws...................30 5. UNIVAC 1100 Series Operating System...................31 5.1 Introduction....................31 5.2 Design Criteria of the Operating System.............32 5.3 1108 Architecture..........32 a. Memory Interface.......34 b. System Control..........34 5.4 Integrity Features..........34 a. User Control...............34 b. States of Execution...35 c. Protection of Permanent Files.........35 d. Protection of Magnetic Tapes..........35 e. Audit Trails..................36 f. Role of System Console Operator........36 g. Impact of System Degradation.................37 5.5 Summary........................37 5.6 Operating System Integrity Flaws...................38 6. Bolt Beranek and Newman TENEX......................................39 6.1 Introduction to TENEX................................40 6.2 Typical Use of TENEX................................40 6.3 Overview of TENEX Hardware Architecture and Integrity Features......42 a. CPU.............................42 b. Virtual Memory Hardware.....................43 c. Peripherals.................43 6.4 Operating System Design and Integrity Features.............................44 a. File Protection............45 b. Directory Protection...45 c. Process Protection....46 6.5 Summary........................47 6.6 Operating System Integrity Flaws...................48 a. Existing Flaws............48 b. Flaws that have been Fixed...................49 7. Summary and Conclusions............................52 Glossary......................................54 Bibliography................................59 References.................................62


BBN-TENEX, IBM OS/360, UNIVAC 1100Series OS, operating system security, software security, security flaws, taxonomy of integrity flaws




Enhancements of Computer Operating

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