The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Practices for Securing Critical Information Assets


Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office

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Key alpha

Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office

Publication Date



Acknowledgements....................iii Executive Summary.....................1 Chapter 1 Establishing Information Security Policy.........................3 Information Security Policy......3 Education, Training, and Awareness.................................5 Tips on Successful Policy Development and Implementation......................7 Chapter 2 Identifying Critical Assets and Conducting a Vulnerability Assessment...........................9 Key Terms..................................9 Introduction................................9 Task 1: Identify Critical Information Assets..............10 Task 2: Perform a Vulnerability Audit of Critical Information Assets..............17 Task 3: Perform Risk Management Analysis........26 Chapter 3 Tools and Practices for Critical Information Asset Protection..............................27 Introduction..............................27 Physical Security of Information Assets..............27 Environmental Control Systems Malfunctions........28 Information Security...............29 Good Management Practices for Critical Information Asset Protection..............................45 Chapter 4 Security Incident Planning....47 Before the Worst Happens...47 Establishing a Computer Security Incident Response Capability (CSIRC)..............47 Developing Communications Channels and Information Resources............................48 Handling a Security Incident..................................49 Glossary......................................51 Definitions...................................51 Acronyms....................................60


Critical information assets, information security policy, incident planning, asset protection




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Securing Critical Information Assets

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